zhangtaii / react-native-google-place-picker

React Native Wrapper of Google Place Picker for iOS + Android.
MIT License
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Do not use react-native link from cli #35

Open n1xn opened 6 years ago

n1xn commented 6 years ago

I imported this lib by cli and react-native link, this totally messed up my project. I had to create a new one after 6 hours of error search.

AliaMYH commented 6 years ago

I think I did the same thing. If you don't install it with cli, then how do you ? which alternative did you use

n1xn commented 6 years ago

I went with this lib and have done all manually as explained in the readme.

hint: For iOS you have to create an extra Google Maps API key besides the Google Places API and put it here [GMSServices provideAPIKey:@"YOUR_IOS_API_KEY_HERE"]; Its not good explained, but with that hint you should be able to rock.