zhangtaii / react-native-google-place-picker

React Native Wrapper of Google Place Picker for iOS + Android.
MIT License
185 stars 54 forks source link

Please make it return response with 'Location title'. #6

Closed spksoft closed 8 years ago

spksoft commented 8 years ago

Please make it return response with 'Location title'.


Now it just return address , lat and long


zhangtaii commented 8 years ago

Thanks @ArthurAssuncao, that feature has been implemented on Android from https://github.com/q6112345/react-native-google-place-picker/pull/7, but It's still need to been done for iOS, any PR for that is welcome.

zhangtaii commented 8 years ago

Update: @ArthurAssuncao killed the dragon, made it work for iOS https://github.com/q6112345/react-native-google-place-picker/pull/8, great work of him!