zhangxi1997 / VQACL

VQACL: A Novel Visual Question Answering Continual Learning Setting (CVPR'23)
MIT License
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add_reference_answer_test.json 文件缺失 #17

Open EEsquirtle opened 3 months ago

EEsquirtle commented 3 months ago

您好,非常感谢您的开源代码!我正在尝试复现您在NExT-QA上的结果,在nextqa_data.py ->evaluate_raw中遇到一些问题,首先是add_reference_answer_test.json文件的缺失,还有其中用到的get_wups函数(from metrix import get_wups)我不确定是环境的问题还是metrix.py文件的缺失,您能提供相关的缺失文件吗,再次感谢您的杰出工作!

IemProg commented 3 months ago


Here is the implementation of the missing functions, and the missing file add_reference_answer_test.json :

def wups(words1, words2, alpha):

    :param pred:
    :param truth:
    :param alpha:
    sim = 1.0
    flag = False
    for w1 in words1:
        max_sim = 0
        for w2 in words2:
            word_sim = wup(w1, w2, alpha)
            if word_sim > max_sim:
                max_sim = word_sim
        if max_sim == 0: continue
        sim *= max_sim
        flag = True
    if not flag:
        sim = 0.0
    return sim

def get_wups(pred, truth, alpha):
    calculate the wups score
    :param pred:
    :param truth:
    pred = word_tokenize(pred)
    truth = word_tokenize(truth)
    item1 = wups(pred, truth, alpha)
    item2 = wups(truth, pred, alpha)
    value = min(item1, item2)
    return value