zhangyuanwei / node-images

Cross-platform image decoder(png/jpeg/gif) and encoder(png/jpeg) for Nodejs
MIT License
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Can't load the addon. #101

Closed jasonleft closed 5 years ago

jasonleft commented 7 years ago

node -v 7.0.0 boss来解决一下不能加载插件报错啊!

pickTan commented 7 years ago

node -v v6.9.1 Can't load the addon. boss来解决一下不能加载插件报错啊! 同求啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jasonleft commented 7 years ago

@pickTan 亲测,目前最新LTS版本 6.9.2,配最新的node-images可用,大概看了下报错的目录,应该是针对每个版本的 nodejs写了js bindings,最新的7.0版本没写的吧

pickTan commented 7 years ago

最新版本是哪个。 我这边是image@3.0版本 但是不行。

pickTan commented 7 years ago

CentOS 6.5 linuxX64 v6.9.1 Can't load the addon. 哥 你能写个js bindings 咩 [期待脸]

jasonleft commented 7 years ago

表示完全不会写,我的是win7 x64位的,可以跑nodejs 6.9.2

pickTan commented 7 years ago


oxUnd commented 7 years ago

Linux 哪个版本,哪个内核的?

pickTan commented 7 years ago

CentOS: 6.5 Linux slaver01 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 03:15:09 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux node:v6.9.1

pickTan commented 7 years ago


oxUnd commented 7 years ago


jasonleft commented 7 years ago

@xiangshouding 大神,nodejs 7.0.0 win7 x64位报错,是不是因为没有写js bindings ?

pickTan commented 7 years ago

@xiangshouding 哥 你有帮我编译吗?急着用

oxUnd commented 7 years ago



ghost commented 7 years ago

node v 4.6.1 Error: Can't load the addon. The system cannot find message text for message number 0x%1 in the message file for %2. \?\D:\work\node_modules\images\bindings\win32\x64\6.0.0\binding.node........

wv1124 commented 7 years ago

/Users/wv/work/d2papp/faster/node_modules/images/binding.js:61 throw new Error('Can\'t load the addon. Issue to: ' + bugUrl);

node -v v7.4.0

npm -v 3.10.9`

更新"images": "https://github.com/zhangyuanwei/node-images.git",后可以跑了, 谢谢

boban100janovski commented 7 years ago

Not usable on Windows 10

node -v v7.2.1

npm -v 3.10.10

fengyh13 commented 7 years ago

@wv1124 你好,你的node 7.x版本能跑这个模块吗,为什么我的更新了也没办法跑

oxUnd commented 7 years ago

Windows & Linux 的 Node 7.x 版本还没有编译。

Diluka commented 7 years ago

node -v v7.9.0 "images": "^3.0.0" Can't load the addon. macOS 10.12.4 boss来解决一下不能加载插件报错啊!

chengwb53 commented 7 years ago

node -v v6.9.4 npm -v 4.5.0 win10 Error: Can't load the addon. Issue to: https://github.com/zhangyuanwei/node-images/issues Error: Cannot find module './bindings/win32/x64/6.0.0/binding.node