Hi, while this shouldn't be a thing for Shelf dataset, I think it's a good thing to point out that your evaluation script will possibly overestimate the score under certain circumstances.
Here is the part of your evaluation script:
// evaluate
std::map<int, Eigen::Matrix4Xf> shelfSkels;
for (const auto& skel : skelUpdater.GetSkel3d())
shelfSkels.insert(std::make_pair(-skel.first, MappingToShelf(skel.second)));
Eigen::MatrixXf hungarianMat(shelfSkels.size(), gt[frameIdx].size());
for (int i = 0; i < shelfSkels.size(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < gt[frameIdx].size(); j++)
hungarianMat(i, j) = (std::next(shelfSkels.begin(), i)->second -
std::next(gt[frameIdx].begin(), j)->second).topRows(3).colwise().norm().sum();
for (const auto& matchPair : HungarianAlgorithm(hungarianMat)) {
const auto shelfIter = std::next(shelfSkels.begin(), matchPair.second.x());
const auto gtIter = std::next(gt[frameIdx].begin(), matchPair.second.y());
const Eigen::VectorXi c = Evaluate(shelfIter->second, gtIter->second);
const int identity = gtIter->first;
auto iter = correctJCnt.find(identity);
if (iter == correctJCnt.end())
iter = correctJCnt.insert(std::make_pair(identity, std::vector<Eigen::VectorXi>())).first;
Notice the cases where gt[frameIdx].size() > shelfSkels.size() (e.g. when your method fails to detect certain person in the frame), it will assume that person doesn't appear in that frame, which will lead to overestimation of final score.
Hi, while this shouldn't be a thing for Shelf dataset, I think it's a good thing to point out that your evaluation script will possibly overestimate the score under certain circumstances.
Here is the part of your evaluation script:
Notice the cases where
gt[frameIdx].size() > shelfSkels.size()
(e.g. when your method fails to detect certain person in the frame), it will assume that person doesn't appear in that frame, which will lead to overestimation of final score.