zhangzhao4444 / Maxim

高速uiautomator控件解析算法的Android Monkey, 每秒10-15个Action Event。实现快速DFS算法的Android Monkey , 每秒 5个Action Event。
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max.xpath.actions配置如下,发现只执行了第一个,后面一个就不执行了,请问是为啥? #53

Open pxrgod opened 3 years ago

pxrgod commented 3 years ago

[ { "prob": 1, "actions": [ { "xpath": "//[@class='android.view.View' and @content-desc='注册登录']", "action": "CLICK", "index": 0, "throttle": 3000 } ] }, { "prob": 1, "activity": "com..widget.FragmentWrapperActivity", "actions": [ { "xpath": "//[@class='android.widget.EditText' and @text='请输入登录密码']", "action": "INPUTTEXT", "text": "123456", "index": 0, "throttle": 1000 }, { "xpath": "//[@class='android.view.View' and @content-desc='登录']", "index": 0, "action": "CLICK", "throttle": 10000 } ] } ] Monkey日志如下: [Maxim] start build tree 2021-06-30 21:17:12.289 [Maxim] // Special Event : XPath = //[@class='android.view.View' and @content-desc='注册登录'], Index = 0, Action = CLICK, Text = [Maxim] // Find it : 0|1|8|0|1, null, android.view.View, 注册登录, null, null, false, Rect(807, 271 - 979, 321) [Maxim] over build tree 2021-06-30 21:17:12.732

这里可以确定的是注册登录进去之后,肯定能找到"xpath": "//*[@class='android.widget.EditText' and @text='请输入登录密码']"

pxrgod commented 3 years ago


zhaoxu-zhang commented 2 years ago

我也遇到了相同的问题, 请问有解决吗?

yanjinging commented 1 year ago


Swayingleaves commented 1 year ago


                "xpath":"//*[@class='android.widget.FrameLayout' and @content-desc='我的淘宝']",
                "xpath":"//*[@class='android.widget.FrameLayout' and @content-desc='购物车']",