zhanxw / rvtests

Rare variant test software for next generation sequencing data
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Order of Operations when using Frequency filter and Sample exclusion. #150

Open samreenzafer opened 5 months ago

samreenzafer commented 5 months ago

When both these options are used in the rvtest command --peopleExcludeID and --freqUpper , Does rvtest first exclude the samples listed, and then calculate the new allele frequency at sites, and then check against the provided threshold (XF) ? Or
Does rvtest first calculate the site's allele frequency, then check against provided threshold (XF), and then perform the sample exclusion ?

Can you also put this explanation up on the Wiki page for other users, similar to plink https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/order My question would also hold for other Variant Site filter options along with other Sample filter options.

Thank You, Samreen