zhaocai / GoldenView.Vim

Always have a nice view for vim split windows!
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Very nice work on README file #3

Closed greduan closed 11 years ago

greduan commented 11 years ago

Just thought I would say that I think you did a great job with the README file. And of course the little website you made for it. :wink:

Everything's neatly organized and it's very nice to just read it. :smile:

Very nice plugin as well, of course. Keep up the great work. :wink:

zhaocai commented 11 years ago

Thanks! I am glad you like it!

If you have some ideas after you use it, please do not hesitate to post for discussion.

greduan commented 11 years ago

@zhaocai Of course! No problem. :wink:

Just to make sure, cause I'm not very clear on this yet. What this plugin does is automatically re-size split windows, the right way right?

Similar to justincampbell/vim-eighties and others of the sort correct?

zhaocai commented 11 years ago

Yes. There were many attempts to do auto-resizing. But as I mentioned in the README, none of them I know so far can play nicely with other special buffers.

First and the most important one, auto-resizing should play nicely with existing plugins like tagbar, vimfiler, unite, VOoM, quickfix, undotree, gundo, etc. These windows should manage there own window size.

Second, auto-resizing should take care of the other windows too. Resizing the focused window may cause the other windows become too small. When you have 4+ split windows, auto-resizing may just make a mess out of it.

greduan commented 11 years ago

OK, that makes it clear. Thanks!

Will be sure to share any improvements or features I can think of. :wink: