zhaocai / GoldenView.Vim

Always have a nice view for vim split windows!
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Cannot make Goldenview ignore terminal window #30

Open simlei opened 6 years ago

simlei commented 6 years ago

Hi, I cannot for the life of me make this otherwise great plugin leave my terminal alone (vim 8 terminal feature). I suspect I do not customize it right, but

My approach is, given that echo &buftype on a terminal window returns terminal, to specify in my vimrc:

let g:goldenview__ignore_urule={
\   'filetype' : [
\     ''        ,
\     'qf'      , 'vimpager', 'undotree', 'tagbar',
\     'nerdtree', 'vimshell', 'vimfiler', 'voom'  ,
\     'tabman'  , 'unite'   , 'quickrun', 'Decho' ,
\     'ControlP', 'diff'    , 'extradite'
\   ],
\   'buftype' : [
\     'nofile'  , 'terminal'
\   ],
\   'bufname' : [
\     'GoToFile'                  , 'diffpanel_\d\+'      , 
\     '__Gundo_Preview__'         , '__Gundo__'           , 
\     '\[LustyExplorer-Buffers\]' , '\-MiniBufExplorer\-' , 
\     '_VOOM\d\+$'                , '__Urannotate_\d\+__' , 
\     '__MRU_Files__' , 'FencView_\d\+$'
\   ],
\ }

note the new 'terminal' entry in the buftype array.

However, the behavior is not changed and with many splits, the terminal window gets very small, and additionally, does not even get resized to be big when I enter it. If you could help, that would be great.

FYI, in vim 8, a terminal is invoked with :term, and C-w shortcuts work; ex commands can be invoked by typing C-w :<excommand>.