zhaocai / GoldenView.Vim

Always have a nice view for vim split windows!
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Windows height/width can't be reduced as you want #5

Closed gcmt closed 11 years ago

gcmt commented 11 years ago

I've noticed that once installed the plugin prevents windows from being resized to less than ~7 columns/rows. This behavior is a bit annoying when using plugin such as Ctrlp and similar. Hope this can be fixed!

I'm running MacVim (snap 66) but I've experienced this with Vim running in the terminal.

Ps. nice plugin, really useful with small screens!

zhaocai commented 11 years ago

This is features. As mentioned in the Introduction section, there is no normal cases to have a normal window too small. For special cases like [minibufexpl.vim][], it can be handled case by case.

However, if you really want to have small windows. It can be done by :

" Extend a new profile named 'small-height' from default profile.
" 1. Change "2" to your desire minimal height
" 2. Change "small-height" to the profile name you like
" ---------------------------------------------------------------
call GoldenView#ExtendProfile('small-height', {
\   'other_window_winheight'  : 2  ,
\ })

let g:goldenview__active_profile = 'small-height'
gcmt commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!