zhaocai / linepower.vim

Vim local themes for powerline
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The configured dividers look wrong #3

Open dmcinnes opened 11 years ago

dmcinnes commented 11 years ago

I'm using Powerline with the hacked Inconsolata font at 18pts:

set guifont=Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:h18,Inconsolata:h18,Courier:h18

and using the unmodified version of linepower's config files I get weird diamond shapes for dividers:

screen shot 2013-05-23 at 2 17 15 pm

zhaocai commented 11 years ago

I did not checked Inconsolata before. It is not aligned to the center.

I use Anonymous Pro.

You can always switch back to the original divider in the config.json

jdonaldson commented 10 years ago

It looks wrong with most of the fonts I've used.