zhaodongsun / rppg_biometrics

rPPG-based Biometric Authentication
MIT License
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Unable to reproduce the cppg waveform in the article #1

Open zhoujialos opened 2 months ago

zhoujialos commented 2 months ago
zhaodongsun commented 2 months ago

hi, can you specify your issue?

zhoujialos commented 2 months ago

I was hoping that the training result would be similar to the cppg waveform you published in your article, as shown below, and in fact I got the waveform shown in the above part of the graph after 3000 sessions of training.

zhoujialos commented 2 months ago

Can you open up your weights to me?

zhaodongsun commented 2 months ago

Hi, I will upload the weights in the following days. Your first figure seems to show one periodic segment. if you get the results from joint_inference.py, please remember the results contains results = {'rppg_list': rppg_list, 'bvp_list': bvp_list, 'bvp_cyc_list':bvp_cyc_list, 'cyc_list': cyc_list, 'pred_list': pred_list} where rppg_list contains rppg signals while cyc_list contains the periodic segments of the rPPG signals.

zhaodongsun commented 1 month ago

The training data, weights, and results have been uploaded. Please check readme for more details.

zhoujialos commented 1 month ago

import sys import numpy as np import h5py import torch import torch.nn as nn import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from rppg_model import rppg_model from biometric_models import from cycle_cut import cycle_cut from utils_data import from utils_sig import * from sacred import Experiment from sacred.observers import FileStorageObserver import json import os

Assuming rppg_model, ppg_transformer, cycle_cut, and butter_bandpass are defined elsewhere


e = 2900 # The model checkpoint at epoch e train_exp_name = 'default' train_exp_num = 2 # The training experiment number train_exp_dir = '/home/project/rppg_biometrics/joint_results/%s/%d' % (train_exp_name, train_exp_num) # Training experiment directory

if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device('cuda') torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True else: device = torch.device('cpu')


test_list = list(np.load(train_exp_dir + '/test_list.npy')) pred_exp_dir = os.path.join(train_exp_dir) # Prediction experiment directory os.makedirs(pred_exp_dir, exist_ok=True)

with open(train_exp_dir + '/config.json') as f: config_train = json.load(f)

model = rppg_model(config_train['fs']).to(device).eval() model.load_state_dict(torch.load(train_exp_dir + '/epoch%d_model.pt' % (e), map_location=device)) # Load weights to the model ppg_model = ppg_transformer(config_train['num_classes_old']).to(device).eval() ppg_model.load_state_dict(torch.load(train_exp_dir + '/epoch%d_ppg_model.pt' % (e), map_location=device)) cls_head = nn.Linear(64, config_train['num_classes']).to(device).eval() cls_head.load_state_dict(torch.load(train_exp_dir + '/epoch%d_cls_head.pt' % (e), map_location=device))


@torch.no_grad() def dl_model(imgs_clip, fs):

Model inference

img_batch = imgs_clip.transpose((3, 0, 1, 2))

# Permutation
T = img_batch.shape[1]
hw = img_batch.shape[2]
img_batch = img_batch.reshape(3, T, -1)
img_batch = img_batch[:, :, np.random.permutation(hw * hw)]
img_batch = np.transpose(img_batch, (0, 2, 1))  # Shape (3, N, T)

img_batch = img_batch[np.newaxis].astype('float32')
img_batch = torch.tensor(img_batch).to(device)

_, rppg = model(img_batch)
rppg = config_train['reverse'] * rppg
cycle_list = cycle_cut(rppg, fs, length=90)  # Cycle
cycles = torch.cat(cycle_list, 0)
_, cycle_f = ppg_model(cycles)
pred_cls = cls_head(cycle_f)
return rppg[0].detach().cpu().numpy(), cycles.detach().cpu().numpy(), cycle_f.detach().cpu().numpy()


for h5_path in test_list: h5_path = str(h5_path)

with h5py.File(h5_path, 'r') as f:
    imgs = f['imgs'][:]
    fs = config_train['fs']

    img_length = imgs.shape[0]

    rppg_list = []
    cyc_list = []
    cycle_f_list = []
    pred_list = []

    for b in range(1):  # Loop over batches if needed
        rppg_sig, cyc, cycle_f = dl_model(imgs[:img_length], fs)
        # 这里不需要pred,因为你只想绘制cycle_f和rppg信号

    rppg_list = np.array(rppg_list)
    cyc_list = np.array(cyc_list)
    cycle_f_list = np.array(cycle_f_list)

    # 选择前1000个样本进行绘制
    num_samples_to_plot = 500
    rppg_plot_data = rppg_list.flatten()[:num_samples_to_plot]
    cycle_f_plot_data = cycle_f_list.flatten()[:num_samples_to_plot]

    # 绘制信号
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(rppg_plot_data, label='rPPG Signal')
    plt.title('rPPG Signal')

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(cycle_f_plot_data, label='Cycle Feature Signal')
    plt.title('Cycle Feature Signal')


This is my code by your trainnig weight. I would like to learn the cppg of prediction. Is cycle_f_plot_data? In the below, this is the wave of prediction.

zhaodongsun commented 1 month ago

hi, the predicted rPPG signal is the first row in your figure. The cycle_f contains the feature for each periodic segment and not the rPPG signal.