zhaofengli / nixos-openvz

NixOS on OpenVZ 7
MIT License
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networkd didn't work #7

Closed rcambrj closed 2 weeks ago

rcambrj commented 3 weeks ago

For some reason the recommended configuration in the README didn't work for my OVZ VPS on ethernetservers.com.

The venet0 interface should look like this:


But after rebooting it would never gain an IP address. It would just always look like this:


Instead, and for those at a loss, I switched to whatever nixos uses when networking.useNetworkd = false:

  networking.useNetworkd = false;
  networking.useDHCP = false;
  networking.interfaces."venet0" = {
    ipv4 = {
      addresses = [
          address = "89.117.152.xxx";
          prefixLength = 32;
      routes = [
          address = "";
          prefixLength = 0;
  networking.nameservers = [""];

I don't get the venet0:0 alias, but it works:

[root@nixos:~]# ifconfig
lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

        inet 89.117.152.xxx  netmask  broadcast  destination 89.117.152.xxx
        unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  txqueuelen 0  (UNSPEC)
        RX packets 268  bytes 27037 (26.4 KiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 219  bytes 27791 (27.1 KiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

[root@nixos:~]# ping google.com
PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from fra16s48-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=116 time=0.484 ms

Thanks for your hard work @zhaofengli 🙂

zhaofengli commented 3 weeks ago

Interesting, I don't have a server with EthernetServers anymore, but networkd works fine on my other OpenVZ nodes with nixos-unstable. Could you try the following and see if networkd emits any interesting logs?

  systemd.services.systemd-networkd = {
    environment = {
      SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
rcambrj commented 3 weeks ago

there are a bunch of failures in this log, but I don't know whether any of them are relevant 🤷

view systemd-networkd log ``` Aug 21 21:49:04 nixos systemd[1]: Starting Network Configuration... ░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-networkd.service has begun execution ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ A start job for unit systemd-networkd.service has begun execution. ░░ ░░ The job identifier is 71. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Failed allocate memory pressure event source, ignoring: Operatio n not supported Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_EXT_ACK option, ignoring: P rotocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK option, igno ring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_EXT_ACK option, ignoring: P rotocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK option, igno ring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Bus bus-api-network: changing state UNSET → OPENING Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-bus: starting bus bus-api-network by connecting to /run/dbus/ system_bus_socket... Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Added inotify watch for /run on bus bus-api-network: 2 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Added inotify watch for /run/dbus on bus bus-api-network: -1 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-bus: starting bus bus-api-network by connecting to /run/dbus/ Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Added inotify watch for /run on bus bus-api-network: 2 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Added inotify watch for /run/dbus on bus bus-api-network: -1 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-bus: starting bus bus-api-network by connecting to /run/dbus/ system_bus_socket... Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Bus bus-api-network: changing state OPENING → WATCH_BIND Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1 iface=org.freedesktop.network1.Manager Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1/link iface=org.freedesktop.network1.Link Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1/link iface=org.freedesktop.network1.DHCPServer Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1/link iface=org.freedesktop.network1.DHCPv4Client Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1/link iface=org.freedesktop.network1.DHCPv6Client Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ network1/network iface=org.freedesktop.network1.Network Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Registering bus object implementation for path=/org/freedesktop/ LogControl1 iface=org.freedesktop.LogControl1 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-device-monitor(n/a): No permission to stat PID1's netns, unab le to determine if we are in host netns, ignoring: Permission denied Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Saved new link: ifindex=1, iftype=LOOPBACK(772), kind=n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Saved original MTU 65536 (min: 0, max: 4294967295) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Saved hardware address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Saved IPv6 link-local address generation mode: eui64 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Flags change: +LOOPBACK +UP +LOWER_UP +RUNNING Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Link UP Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Gained carrier Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_EXT_ACK option, ignoring: P rotocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK option, igno ring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: udev initialized link Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Saved new link: ifindex=2, iftype=VOID(65535), kind=vene t Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Saved original MTU 1500 (min: 0, max: 4294967295) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Saved IPv6 link-local address generation mode: eui64 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Flags change: +BROADCAST +POINTOPOINT +NOARP Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_EXT_ACK option, ignoring: P rotocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK option, igno ring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: udev initialized link Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign QDisc (configured): handle=0:0, parent= ffff:ffff, kind=noqueue Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign address (configured): (vali d forever, preferred forever), flags: permanent, scope: host, label: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: link_check_ready(): link is in pending state. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign address (configured): ::1/128 (valid fo rever, preferred forever), flags: permanent,no-prefixroute, scope: host Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: link_check_ready(): link is in pending state. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Could not enumerate nexthops, ignoring: Operation not supported Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign route (configured): dst:, src: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc:, table: local(255), priority: 0, proto: kernel, scope: link, type: broa dcast, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign route (configured): dst:, s rc: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc:, table: local(255), priority: 0, proto: kernel, scope: host, type: local Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign route (configured): dst:, src: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc:, table: local(255), priority: 0, proto: kernel, scope: host, type: loca l, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign route (configured): dst: 5/32, src: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc:, table: local(255), priority: 0, proto: kernel, scope: link, type : broadcast, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Received new foreign route (configured): dst: n/a, src: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc: n/a, table: 0, priority: 4294967295, proto: kernel, scope: global, type: unreachable, flags: n /a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Received new foreign route (configured): dst: ::1/128, src: n/a, gw: n/a, prefsrc: n/a, table: local(255), priority: 0, proto: 0, scope: global, type: local, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Received remembered foreign route (configured): dst: n/a, src: n /a, gw: n/a, prefsrc: n/a, table: 0, priority: 4294967295, proto: kernel, scope: global, type: unreachable, f lags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Remembering foreign routing policy rule (configured): priority: 0, ->, iif: n/a, oif: n/a, table: local(255) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Remembering foreign routing policy rule (configured): priority: 32766, ->, iif: n/a, oif: n/a, table: main(254) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Remembering foreign routing policy rule (configured): priority: 32767, ->, iif: n/a, oif: n/a, table: default(253) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: rtnl: received rule message with invalid family 128, ignoring. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: rtnl: received rule message with invalid family 129, ignoring. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Remembering foreign routing policy rule (configured): priority: 0, ::/0 -> ::/0, iif: n/a, oif: n/a, table: local(255) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Remembering foreign routing policy rule (configured): priority: 32766, ::/0 -> ::/0, iif: n/a, oif: n/a, table: main(254) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Could not enumerate wireless LAN phy, ignoring: Operation not su pported Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Could not enumerate wireless LAN interfaces, ignoring: Operation not supported Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Enumeration completed Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd[1]: Started Network Configuration. ░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-networkd.service has finished successfully ░░ Defined-By: systemd ░░ Support: https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel ░░ ░░ A start job for unit systemd-networkd.service has finished successfully. ░░ ░░ The job identifier is 71. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Failed to get driver, continuing without: Operation not supp orted Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Saved permanent hardware address: 00:00:00:00:00:00 Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Link state is up-to-date Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: State changed: pending -> initialized Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: Unmanaging interface. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: lo: State changed: initialized -> unmanaged Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Found driver: vz-venet Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Link state is up-to-date Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: State changed: pending -> initialized Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: found matching network '/etc/systemd/network/venet0.netw ork'. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Configuring with /etc/systemd/network/venet0.network. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: State changed: initialized -> configuring Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/disable_ipv6' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/use_tempaddr' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/accept_ra' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/proxy_ndp' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/venet0/promote_secondaries' to '1' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '1', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested to activate link Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested configuring of the DHCPv6 client. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested configuring of the IPv6 Router Discovery. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting static address (n/a): 89.117.152.xxx/32 (vali d forever, preferred forever), flags: n/a, scope: global, label: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Setting addresses Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting static route (n/a): dst: n/a, src: n/a, gw: n /a, prefsrc: n/a, table: main(254), priority: 0, proto: static, scope: link, type: unicast, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting routes Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Bringing link up Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Flags change: +UP +LOWER_UP +RUNNING Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/disable_ipv6' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/use_tempaddr' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/accept_ra' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/venet0/proxy_ndp' to '0' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '0', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Setting '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/venet0/promote_secondaries' to '1' Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: No change in value '1', suppressing write Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested to activate link Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested configuring of the DHCPv6 client. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requested configuring of the IPv6 Router Discovery. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting static address (n/a): 89.117.152.xxx/32 (vali d forever, preferred forever), flags: n/a, scope: global, label: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Setting addresses Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting static route (n/a): dst: n/a, src: n/a, gw: n /a, prefsrc: n/a, table: main(254), priority: 0, proto: static, scope: link, type: unicast, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting routes Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Bringing link up Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Flags change: +UP +LOWER_UP +RUNNING Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Link UP Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Gained carrier Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: found matching network '/etc/systemd/network/venet0.netw ork'. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Setting addresses Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting static route (n/a): dst: n/a, src: n/a, gw: n /a, prefsrc: n/a, table: main(254), priority: 0, proto: static, scope: link, type: unicast, flags: n/a Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Requesting routes Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): link is not activated. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: found matching network '/etc/systemd/network/venet0.netw ork'. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: link_check_ready(): static addresses are not configured. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: DHCPv6 client: Failed to set DUID-EN: Permission denied Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: DHCPv6 CLIENT: Failed to set identifier: Permission deni ed Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Failed to configure DHCPv6 client: Permission denied Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Failed Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: State changed: configuring -> failed Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: venet0: Trying to reconfigure the interface. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network: New incoming connection. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network: Connections of user 152: 0 (of 576 max) Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Setting state idle-server Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Received message: {"method":"io.systemd. Network.GetNamespaceId","parameters":{}} Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state idle-server → processing- method Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_EXT_ACK option, ignoring: P rotocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-netlink: Failed to enable NETLINK_GET_STRICT_CHK option, igno ring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Failed to query network nsid, ignoring: No data available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Sending message: {"parameters":{"Namespa ceId":4026555827,"NamespaceNSID":null}} Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state processing-method → proce ssed-method Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state processed-method → idle-s erver Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Received message: {"method":"io.systemd. Network.SetPersistentStorage","parameters":{"Ready":true}} Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state idle-server → processing- method Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Trying to acquire polkit authentication for 'org.freedesktop.net work1.set-persistent-storage'. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Sending message: {"parameters":{}} Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state processing-method → proce ssed-method Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state processed-method → idle-s erver Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Got POLLHUP from socket. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state idle-server → pending-dis connect Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state pending-disconnect → proc essing-disconnect Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: varlink-api-network-18: Changing state processing-disconnect → d isconnected Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got inotify event on bus bus-api-network. Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: sd-bus: starting bus bus-api-network by connecting to /run/dbus/ system_bus_socket... Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Failed to determine peer pidfd, ignoring: Protocol not available Aug 21 21:49:05 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Bus bus-api-network: changing state WATCH_BIND → AUTHENTICATING Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Bus bus-api-network: changing state AUTHENTICATING → HELLO Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedes ktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=Hello cookie=1 reply_cookie=0 sign ature=n/a error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedes ktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=RequestName cookie=2 reply_cookie= 0 signature=su error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedes ktop.DBus path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=AddMatch cookie=3 reply_cookie=0 s ignature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus desti nation=:1.1 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=1 reply_cookie=1 signature=s error-name=n/a error-messa ge=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Bus bus-api-network: changing state HELLO → RUNNING Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus.Local destin ation=n/a path=/org/freedesktop/DBus/Local interface=org.freedesktop.DBus.Local member=Connected cookie=4294 967295 reply_cookie=0 signature=n/a error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination= :1.1 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=NameAcquired cookie=2 reply_cookie=0 s ignature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination= :1.1 path=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=NameAcquired cookie=3 reply_cookie=0 s ignature=s error-name=n/a error-message=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus desti nation=:1.1 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=4 reply_cookie=2 signature=u error-name=n/a error-messa ge=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Successfully acquired requested service name. Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus desti nation=:1.1 path=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=5 reply_cookie=3 signature=n/a error-name=n/a error-mes sage=n/a Aug 21 21:49:06 nixos systemd-networkd[221]: Match type='signal',sender='org.freedesktop.login1',path='/org/f reedesktop/login1',interface='org.freedesktop.login1.Manager',member='PrepareForSleep' successfully installed . ```
rcambrj commented 2 weeks ago

I'm now getting this failure when trying to nixos-rebuild switch:

activating the configuration...
setting up /etc...
mount: /dev: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: /dev/pts: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: /dev/shm: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
Activation script snippet 'specialfs' failed (32)
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: /proc: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: /run: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
mount: /run/keys: mount(2) system call failed: Function not implemented.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
reloading user units for root...
restarting sysinit-reactivation.target
warning: error(s) occurred while switching to the new configuration
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

This might indeed be because I've misconfigured something, but from what I read, OpenVZ 7 runs on kernel 3.10 with Virtuozzo's patches to make it look like a more up to date one. That's pretty vague and obscure to me, so I'm going to abandon OpenVZ in favour of a KVM VPS. Not trying to steer anyone in any direction with this, only justifying that I won't investigate this any further.

Thanks again :) I hope what I put here helps someone at least.