zhaofenqiang / PaddleOnACL

Port Paddle onto Arm ComputeLibrary
Apache License 2.0
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Crash at forward of SSD at conv2_1 when only Conv layer was ported #3

Open zhaofenqiang opened 6 years ago

zhaofenqiang commented 6 years ago

Following this, https://github.com/zhaofenqiang/Mobile/tree/develop/benchmark/tool/C With only conv layer ported, run

./inference --merged_model ./vgg_ssd_net.paddle --input_size 270000 

Program output:

zfq@zfq-Pi:~/mobile$ ./inference --merged_model ./vgg_ssd_net.paddle --input_size 270000 I0412 09:05:08.481005 28886 Util.cpp:166] commandline:
Time of init paddle 6.21137 ms. Time of create from merged model file 5436.07 ms. image conv1_1 running ExpandConvLayer forward... running on acl... conv1_2 running ExpandConvLayer forward... running on acl... pool1 conv2_1 running ExpandConvLayer forward... running on acl... terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' what(): std::bad_alloc Thread [1995747328] Forwarding conv2_1, Aborted at 1523495118 (unix time) try "date -d @1523495118" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x0 (unknown) SIGABRT (@0x70d6) received by PID 28886 (TID 0x76f4b000) from PID 28886; stack trace: @ 0x767f1270 (unknown) @ 0x767e2af6 (unknown) @ 0x767f0648 gsignal @ 0x767f134a abort Aborted

zhaofenqiang commented 6 years ago

It's found that program crashed at https://github.com/zhaofenqiang/PaddleOnACL/blob/345ff226df5640533708ad6a5d23aa7a32eb3803/paddle/gserver/layers/ACLOperator.hpp#L493-L498