zhaoguangbao / ur5_gazebo_grasping

mainly from https://github.com/harrycomeon/ur5-gazebo-grasping
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运行roslaunch ur5_single_arm_moveit_config test_ur5_gazebo.launch时报错 #1

Open weakenleg opened 3 years ago

weakenleg commented 3 years ago

[Err] [GazeboGraspGripper.cpp:60] GazeboGraspGripper: Palm link ee_link not found. The gazebo grasp plugin will not work. [Err] [GazeboGraspFix.cpp:175] GazeboGraspFix: Could not initialize arm gripper_arm. Skipping. [Err] [GazeboGraspFix.cpp:198] ERROR: GazeboGraspFix: Cannot use a GazeboGraspFix because no arms were configured successfully. Plugin will not work.

zhaoguangbao commented 3 years ago

This is a problem with the GazeboGrasp plug-in, which has not been identified yet, but does not affect the package running.

weakenleg commented 3 years ago


weakenleg commented 3 years ago

2021-07-18 21-54-16 的屏幕截图 2021-07-18 21-53-15 的屏幕截图 2021-07-18 21-52-40 的屏幕截图 你好,当我按照您的教程运行时会出现以上报错,并且运行launch文件时无法打开rivz,希望能获得您的帮助

zhaoguangbao commented 3 years ago

The reason for the error:

[Err] [GazeboGraspGripper.cpp:60] GazeboGraspGripper: Palm link ee_link not found. The gazebo grasp plugin will not work

is Gazebo merges all links connected by fixed joints into a single link. So ee_link doesn't exist in gazebo, it can modify the ur5_single_arm.urdf.xacro. from

  <xacro:robotiq_85_gripper prefix="" parent="ee_link" >
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>


  <xacro:robotiq_85_gripper prefix="" parent="wrist_3_link" >
    <origin xyz="0.0 0.0823 0.0" rpy="0.0 0.0 1.5707" />

and then, [Err] [ContactManager.cc:357] Filter with the same name already exists! Aborting will occur....

zhaoguangbao commented 3 years ago

For the pause of rviz, you shoud start gazebo firstly

weakenleg commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your help.While ,i still have some troubles. Whether I change ur5_single_arm.urdf.xacro or not, the pause of rviz will occur(i have started gazebo at first).If i do not roslaunch ur5_single_arm_moveit_config ur5_moveit_planning_execution.launch, the error will occur.(just in the right part of the picture) image

weakenleg commented 3 years ago

in blog csdn ,someone says i may have to run moveit ,but i do not know he meaning

zhaoguangbao commented 3 years ago

start_gazebo push the triangle button. you should start simulation in gazebo firstly, because the movegroup in rviz is a client, which need a server in gazebo simulation.

weakenleg commented 3 years ago

thanks a lot.it works!i will study from your program 1.(while i meet the situation that the movement of the cube is not so stable.)

xiu-ccc commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am trying to reproduce this task, but I found that the author's gpd_ros file is an empty folder. Would you like to keep any attachments here?

weakenleg commented 3 years ago

sorry,I just have the initial repository.I run without gpd_ros. You can ask the author.

zhaoguangbao commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am trying to reproduce this task, but I found that the author's gpd_ros file is an empty folder. Would you like to keep any attachments here?

refer to: gpd_ros