zhaohongxuan / obsidian-weread-plugin

Obsidian Weread Plugin is a plugin to sync Weread(微信读书) hightlights and annotations into your Obsidian Vault.
MIT License
1.21k stars 62 forks source link

求教:请问有无办法能使高亮笔记和划线评论不分散在两个模块里,完全按照正文中的位置顺序排列在一起? #174

Open DanShui-Yu opened 1 year ago

copofe commented 1 year ago


calmwaves111 commented 1 year ago


zhaohongxuan commented 1 year ago



isbn: {{metaData.isbn}}
category: {{metaData.category}}
lastReadDate: {{metaData.lastReadDate}}
# 元数据
> [!abstract] {{metaData.title}}
> - ![ {{metaData.title}}|200]({{metaData.cover}})
> - 书名: {{metaData.title}}
> - 作者: {{metaData.author}}
> - 简介: {{metaData.intro}}
> - 出版时间 {{metaData.publishTime}}
> - ISBN: {{metaData.isbn}}
> - 分类: {{metaData.category}}
> - 出版社: {{metaData.publisher}}

# 高亮划线
{% for chapter in chapterHighlights %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% for highlight in chapter.highlights %}
{% if highlight.reviewContent %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- 💭 {{highlight.reviewContent}} - ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}} {% else %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}}{% endif %} {% endfor %}{% endfor %}
# 读书笔记
{% for chapter in bookReview.chapterReviews %}{% if chapter.reviews or chapter.chapterReview %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% if  chapter.chapterReviews %}{% for chapterReview in chapter.chapterReviews %}
### 章节评论 No.{{loop.index}}
- {{chapterReview.content}} ^{{chapterReview.reviewId}}
    - ⏱ {{chapterReview.createTime}} {% endfor%}{%endif %}{% if chapter.reviews %}{%for review in chapter.reviews %}
# 本书评论
{% if bookReview.bookReviews %}{% for bookReview in bookReview.bookReviews %}
## 书评 No.{{loop.index}} 
{{bookReview.mdContent}} ^{{bookReview.reviewId}}
⏱ {{bookReview.createTime}}
{% endfor%}{% endif %}
DanShui-Yu commented 1 year ago



isbn: {{metaData.isbn}}
category: {{metaData.category}}
lastReadDate: {{metaData.lastReadDate}}
# 元数据
> [!abstract] {{metaData.title}}
> - ![ {{metaData.title}}|200]({{metaData.cover}})
> - 书名: {{metaData.title}}
> - 作者: {{metaData.author}}
> - 简介: {{metaData.intro}}
> - 出版时间 {{metaData.publishTime}}
> - ISBN: {{metaData.isbn}}
> - 分类: {{metaData.category}}
> - 出版社: {{metaData.publisher}}

# 高亮划线
{% for chapter in chapterHighlights %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% for highlight in chapter.highlights %}
{% if highlight.reviewContent %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- 💭 {{highlight.reviewContent}} - ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}} {% else %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}}{% endif %} {% endfor %}{% endfor %}
# 读书笔记
{% for chapter in bookReview.chapterReviews %}{% if chapter.reviews or chapter.chapterReview %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% if  chapter.chapterReviews %}{% for chapterReview in chapter.chapterReviews %}
### 章节评论 No.{{loop.index}}
- {{chapterReview.content}} ^{{chapterReview.reviewId}}
    - ⏱ {{chapterReview.createTime}} {% endfor%}{%endif %}{% if chapter.reviews %}{%for review in chapter.reviews %}
# 本书评论
{% if bookReview.bookReviews %}{% for bookReview in bookReview.bookReviews %}
## 书评 No.{{loop.index}} 
{{bookReview.mdContent}} ^{{bookReview.reviewId}}
⏱ {{bookReview.createTime}}
{% endfor%}{% endif %}


calmwaves111 commented 1 year ago



isbn: {{metaData.isbn}}
category: {{metaData.category}}
lastReadDate: {{metaData.lastReadDate}}
# 元数据
> [!abstract] {{metaData.title}}
> - ![ {{metaData.title}}|200]({{metaData.cover}})
> - 书名: {{metaData.title}}
> - 作者: {{metaData.author}}
> - 简介: {{metaData.intro}}
> - 出版时间 {{metaData.publishTime}}
> - ISBN: {{metaData.isbn}}
> - 分类: {{metaData.category}}
> - 出版社: {{metaData.publisher}}

# 高亮划线
{% for chapter in chapterHighlights %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% for highlight in chapter.highlights %}
{% if highlight.reviewContent %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- 💭 {{highlight.reviewContent}} - ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}} {% else %}
> 📌 {{ highlight.markText |trim }} ^{{highlight.bookmarkId}}
- ⏱ {{highlight.createTime}}{% endif %} {% endfor %}{% endfor %}
# 读书笔记
{% for chapter in bookReview.chapterReviews %}{% if chapter.reviews or chapter.chapterReview %}
## {{chapter.chapterTitle}}
{% if  chapter.chapterReviews %}{% for chapterReview in chapter.chapterReviews %}
### 章节评论 No.{{loop.index}}
- {{chapterReview.content}} ^{{chapterReview.reviewId}}
    - ⏱ {{chapterReview.createTime}} {% endfor%}{%endif %}{% if chapter.reviews %}{%for review in chapter.reviews %}
# 本书评论
{% if bookReview.bookReviews %}{% for bookReview in bookReview.bookReviews %}
## 书评 No.{{loop.index}} 
{{bookReview.mdContent}} ^{{bookReview.reviewId}}
⏱ {{bookReview.createTime}}
{% endfor%}{% endif %}


1551255004 commented 9 months ago


1551255004 commented 9 months ago


chiying2015 commented 9 months ago


DanShui-Yu commented 9 months ago

@chiying2015 求链接

chiying2015 commented 9 months ago

@chiying2015 求链接



chiying2015 commented 9 months ago

@chiying2015 求链接

#62 (comment)



DanShui-Yu commented 8 months ago


@zhaohongxuan 这个问题可以close了大神

Sleepleeps commented 7 months ago

我做了一个模板,高亮、评论(包括没高亮划线的)按照章节顺序、原文顺序排列的模板 演示图