zhaohuabing / istio-redis-culster

Use Istio to enable Envoy Redis Cluster support, including data sharding, read/write splitting, and traffic mirroring, all the magics are done by Istio and Envoy proxy, without any awareness at the client side.
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got an error when applying envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml #1

Open drmy opened 3 years ago

drmy commented 3 years ago

Hi Huabing,

Happy New Year! I really appreciate your work. Because I am also trying to implement the similar thing for my work. I've got an issue when following the instructions here. I've not got enough time to figure it out but just want to firstly send you my issue.

So, I actually have installed the latest Istio 1.8.1 on my k8s cluster. I know your REPLACE PR has been merged to this release, and I am not sure if this post is still available for 1.8.1.

And then my issue is that, when I was running the following command: kubectl apply -f istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml

I got the following error: Error from server: error when creating "istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml": admission webhook "validation.istio.io" denied the request: error decoding configuration: unknown value "REPLACE" for enum istio.networking.v1alpha3.EnvoyFilter_Patch_Operation

I am wondering if this resource has already been integrated into 1.8.1 or if I need to update the yaml file so as to apply it successfully?

BTW. I am running your solution is because I found that the bitnami/redis and bitnami/redis-cluster helm chart don't work well when Istio is enabled, therefore I am looking at your redis solution for my Istio environment.

Thank you very much! @drmy

zhaohuabing commented 3 years ago

@drmy I just tried it on Istio 1.8.0 and it works. What's the output of istioctl version in your Istion installation?

drmy commented 3 years ago

@drmy I just tried it on Istio 1.8.0 and it works. What's the output of istioctl version in your Istion installation?

Hi @zhaohuabing ,

Thank you for your help.

I tested it on Istio 1.8.1 and got the following errors. Maybe I haven't understood the theory. My redis namespace is not configured istio-proxy side-car automatically injected, do we need that? Actually I tested that way and it failed on creating the cluster...

And with the Istio 1.8.1, do we still apply the instruction of Envoy Redis Proxy? istio/envoyfilter-crd.yaml

[root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# sed -i .bak "s/\${REDIS_VIP}/kubectl get svc redis-cluster -n redis -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'/" istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: .' [root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# sed -i "s/\${REDIS_VIP}/kubectl get svc redis-cluster -n redis -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'/" istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml [root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# kubectl apply -f istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/add-redis-proxy created **[root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# kubectl exec -itkubectl get pod -l app=redis-client -n redis -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}"` -c redis-client -n redis -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster redis-cluster:6379> set a a (error) MOVED 15495 redis-cluster:6379> set b b (error) MOVED 3300 redis-cluster:6379> set c c (error) MOVED 7365**

zhaohuabing commented 3 years ago

@drmy I just tried it on Istio 1.8.0 and it works. What's the output of istioctl version in your Istion installation?

Hi @zhaohuabing ,

Thank you for your help.

I tested it on Istio 1.8.1 and got the following errors. Maybe I haven't understood the theory. My redis namespace is not configured istio-proxy side-car automatically injected, do we need that? Actually I tested that way and it failed on creating the cluster...

No, we don't need to inject sidecar in the redis side because the envoyfilter only add redis proxy at the client side.

And with the Istio 1.8.1, do we still apply the instruction of Envoy Redis Proxy? istio/envoyfilter-crd.yaml

No, we wo don't need to apply the crd because the REPLACE operation has already been supported in 1.8

[root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# sed -i .bak "s/${REDIS_VIP}/kubectl get svc redis-cluster -n redis -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'/" istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml sed: -e expression #1, char 1: unknown command: .' [root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# sed -i "s/\${REDIS_VIP}/kubectl get svc redis-cluster -n redis -o=jsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'/" istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml [root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# kubectl apply -f istio/envoyfilter-redis-proxy.yaml envoyfilter.networking.istio.io/add-redis-proxy created **[root@kubemaster221 istio-redis-culster]# kubectl exec -itkubectl get pod -l app=redis-client -n redis -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}"` -c redis-client -n redis -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster redis-cluster:6379> set a a (error) MOVED 15495 redis-cluster:6379> set b b (error) MOVED 3300 redis-cluster:6379> set c c (error) MOVED 7365**

drmy commented 3 years ago

Hi @zhaohuabing ,

I followed your guide and made more attempts in my other labs and still failed at verification with the errors below. Maybe something wrong with my environment, I will double check. Thank you anyway. If you have some other hints please let me know, Thank you again.

redis-cluster:6379> set c c (error) MOVED 7365

[root@kubemaster231 istio-redis-culster]# kubectl exec -it redis-cluster-0 -c redis -n redis -- redis-cli cluster info cluster_state:ok cluster_slots_assigned:16384 cluster_slots_ok:16384 cluster_slots_pfail:0 cluster_slots_fail:0 cluster_known_nodes:6 cluster_size:3 cluster_current_epoch:6 cluster_my_epoch:1 cluster_stats_messages_ping_sent:507 cluster_stats_messages_pong_sent:529 cluster_stats_messages_sent:1036 cluster_stats_messages_ping_received:524 cluster_stats_messages_pong_received:507 cluster_stats_messages_meet_received:5 cluster_stats_messages_received:1036

zhaohuabing commented 3 years ago

It can be tricky to configure Istio and Envoy manually to support Redis. I have created project Aeraki to support layer-7 protocols in an Istio service mesh. Thrift, Dubbo, Kafka, Zookeeper have been implemented, Redis is on the way. https://github.com/aeraki-framework/aeraki

drmy commented 3 years ago

It can be tricky to configure Istio and Envoy manually to support Redis. I have created project Aeraki to support layer-7 protocols in an Istio service mesh. Thrift, Dubbo, Kafka, Zookeeper have been implemented, Redis is on the way. https://github.com/aeraki-framework/aeraki

Great! I will take a look at this project and learn from it. Thank you so much for the info, much helpful, huabing.

rhzs commented 3 years ago

Hi @zhaohuabing I got similar error with Istio 1.8.1. I've not applied CRD for REPLACE op.

❯ kubectl exec -it `kubectl get pod -l app=redis-client -n redis -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}"` -c redis-client -n redis -- redis-cli -h redis-cluster
redis-cluster:6379> set a a
redis-cluster:6379> set b c
(error) MOVED 3300
redis-cluster:6379> set b c
(error) MOVED 3300
redis-cluster:6379> set b d
(error) MOVED 3300
redis-cluster:6379> set b e
(error) MOVED 3300
redis-cluster:6379> set b h
(error) MOVED 3300
redis-cluster:6379> exit
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zhaohuabing commented 3 years ago

It seems that the default tcp filter has not been replaced by an Redis proxy. You can check the config dump of the day proxy.

rhzs commented 3 years ago

It seems that the default tcp filter has not been replaced by an Redis proxy. You can check the config dump of the day proxy.

How do you check it?

zhaohuabing commented 3 years ago

@rhzs @drmy Redis has been supported in Aeraki https://github.com/aeraki-framework/aeraki/blob/master/docs/zh/redis.md

drmy commented 3 years ago

Hi @zhaohuabing , Thank you very much for the update. I am going to have a try in our deployment and send you my feedback.

santinoncs commented 2 years ago

Hi ,

Any ideas to get the REDIS_VIP without using kubectl? I mean, the IP is dynamic isnt it dangerous?

zhaohuabing commented 2 years ago


Aeraki (https://github.com/aeraki-framework/aeraki) can help with that. It's a control plane component working alongside Istio, automatically generating the configuration for redis proxies in the data plane. By using Aeraki, you don't have to worry about how to keep vip updated in the Envoy configuration, because Aeraki takes care of it for you. Aeraki also provides user friendly k8s crd to help you mange Redis configuration such as routing and auth.

An example can be found here: https://github.com/aeraki-framework/aeraki/tree/master/test/e2e/redis

jdafda commented 1 year ago

It seems that the default tcp filter has not been replaced by an Redis proxy. You can check the config dump of the day proxy.

I am getting the same error , also check config dump , I can see tcp proxy has been replaced.