zhaopeiym / IoTClient

This is an IoT device communication protocol implementation client, which will include common industrial communication protocols such as mainstream PLC communication reading, ModBus protocol, and Bacnet protocol. This component is open source and free for life, using the most relaxed MIT open source agreement, you can modify and commercial use at will (commercial use please evaluate and test). 这是一个物联网设备通讯协议实现客户端,将会包括主流PLC通信读取、ModBus协议、Bacnet协议等常用工业通讯协议。本组件终身开源免费,采用最宽松的MIT开源协议,您可以随意修改和商业使用(商业使用请做好评估和测试)。
MIT License
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三菱 ReadInt16 读取多个值 key-value对应关系反了 #42

Open dragonloresfn opened 6 months ago

dragonloresfn commented 6 months ago

三菱 ReadInt16 读取多个值 key-value对应关系反了,读取连续4个值,应该是1对1,2对2... 实际是1的地址对应4的值,2的地址对应三的值, 放入到KeyValuePair中的key与value不对应