zhaopeiym / IoTClient

This is an IoT device communication protocol implementation client, which will include common industrial communication protocols such as mainstream PLC communication reading, ModBus protocol, and Bacnet protocol. This component is open source and free for life, using the most relaxed MIT open source agreement, you can modify and commercial use at will (commercial use please evaluate and test). 这是一个物联网设备通讯协议实现客户端,将会包括主流PLC通信读取、ModBus协议、Bacnet协议等常用工业通讯协议。本组件终身开源免费,采用最宽松的MIT开源协议,您可以随意修改和商业使用(商业使用请做好评估和测试)。
MIT License
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西门子解析地址异常 #8

Closed taohuaguo closed 3 years ago

taohuaguo commented 3 years ago

地址[DB400.DBX1.6]解析异常,ConvertArg Err:输入字符串的格式不正确。 大神晚上好,我是直接用的西门子客户端,类似DB400.DBX1.6这样的地址都会报错 image

zhaopeiym commented 3 years ago

请看使用文档: https://github.com/zhaopeiym/IoTClient/blob/master/README-zh_CN.md#注意关于siemens的plc地址

“DB400.DBX1.6” 地址输入 “DB400.1.6” 即可。

taohuaguo commented 3 years ago
