zhaoshengjun / webpack-config

CLI tool to generate webpack.config.js
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Autoprefixer with postcss out of the box #1

Closed yakovkhalinsky closed 7 years ago

yakovkhalinsky commented 7 years ago

Would be awesome if postcss + autoprefixer was configured for the default setup 👍

zhaoshengjun commented 7 years ago

sure, I can add this.

zhaoshengjun commented 7 years ago

Hi @yakovkhalinsky, I just pushed a new version to add support postcss and autoprefixer.

Let me know if you have any problem with the new version.


Happy coding!:smile:

zhaoshengjun commented 7 years ago

close issue.

yakovkhalinsky commented 7 years ago

@zhaoshengjun thanks for the quick update will enjoy using this 👍