zhaoweicai / mscnn

Caffe implementation of our multi-scale object detection framework
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Set up KITTI dataset by yourself ? Set the right dataset path ? Choose the model that you want to test in the demo script ?` #46

Open yesoun opened 7 years ago

yesoun commented 7 years ago

Hi Can you please explain how to set up the kitti dataset and which part exactly from it should I include for the directory in the root_dir = '/your/kitti/path/ ' ?? Thank you so much for your help. Bests,

baristahell commented 7 years ago

You have to get the data from there. The paths in the trainval prototxt will be the path to [...]/kitti_data/window_files/mscnn_window_file_kitti_vehicle_train.txt, and this txt file contains the path to every single image, for example [...]/kitti_data/training/image_2/000001.png

jsjs0827 commented 7 years ago

@baristahell kitti dataset is actually which one to download for the train?

baristahell commented 7 years ago

It's simply the [left color images of object data set] part, but you can also get [training labels of object data set], in order to have clean {image;labels} couples.

You'll also have to run the windows_file scripts to get the bounding boxes files.