zhaoweicai / mscnn

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How to evaluate on Caltech? #63

Closed zhangjiangqige closed 7 years ago

zhangjiangqige commented 7 years ago

Hi, I saw that there are some evaluation scripts under examples/kitti_result, but is seems that these are for kitti? So if I want to evaluate the results on caltech, am I supposed to use run_mscnn_detection.m under examples/caltech to generate the detection results then run the evaluation scripts provided by caltech, i.e. the "Matlab evaluation/labeling code" on http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians ?


zhangjiangqige commented 7 years ago

I finally managed to work this out... the devkit is so user-unfriendly steps (the working dir of all the following steps is the folder of the devkit):

  1. I used the python script to generate detection results in #4 . The provided run_mscnn_detection.m was unreasonably slow for me
  2. create a folder "data-USA", and put the "annotations" folder of caltech in it (copy/soft-link/whatever)
  3. create a folder "data-USA/res, and place the unzipped results from other algorithms here (http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians/datasets/USA/res/)
  4. put your own results under res following the format of the official results from other algorithms
  5. run dbEval, and a folder named "results" will be created to store the generated graphs

FYI: the devkit evaluates 1 based 30,60,90... frames, so in python they are 29, 59, 89... and it is already well handled

skyforwork commented 7 years ago

@neodooth hello I have some questions want to ask you about this project. Could you give me the way to contact with you.Here is my mailbox:972466873@qq.com

zhangjiangqige commented 7 years ago

@skyforwork maybe we'd better discuss here so people with the same questions will be able to read our discussion in the future,哪怕是用中文

zhaoweicai commented 7 years ago

A quick start for caltech pedestrian dataset can be found in Piotr's Toolbox. I used the same format for the detection results, as Piotr's toolbox. For evaluation, you just need to change the directory of the detection results.

wanghao14 commented 6 years ago

@neodooth Hello, I have folllowed your guidence as putting my own results under res following the format of the official results from other algorithms. But when I run dbEval, an error occurred:

**Loading detections: C:\Users\whscu\Desktop\WH\SCUT\caltech/results/UsaTest Algorithm #1: Faster-RCNN 索引超出矩阵维度。

出错 dbEval>loadDt (line 484) for f=frames, bb=bbs(bbs(:,1)==f+1,2:6);

出错 dbEval (line 178) dts = loadDt( algs, plotName, aspectRatio );** Have you ever met a similar bug?

zhangjiangqige commented 6 years ago

@JisuiWang Sorry I didn't meet this error, but I think maybe you can inspect the variable bbs, I guess it is empty, probably related to the different path separators in Windows \ and Linux /

wulixunhua commented 6 years ago

@neodooth 你好,我下载了(http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians/datasets/USA/res/) 提供的结果,打开看到每行的第一个参数为30,30,30,30.....60,60,60,60.....90,90,90,90,90.......。但是我生成的caltech测试集的图片名字是:set06_V001_I00029_usatest.jpg, set06_V001_I00059_usatest.jpg, set06_V001_I00119_usatest.jpg 。是不是写图片名字要写成30,60,90这样子才行?还有个问题就是,测试集的有些图片里面是没有人的,都要送入去测试吗?

zhangjiangqige commented 6 years ago

@wulixunhua 那些要么是坐标,要么是图片id,记不太清了,不用改图片名字。测试集全都要测

wulixunhua commented 6 years ago

@neodooth 刚才正在修改上面的问题,我运行了dbEval.m,在标准HOG和RPN+BF结果下,生成了15个miss rate图,有没有手册介绍这15个结果都对应的哪一种呢?

zhangjiangqige commented 6 years ago

@wulixunhua 我记得只会往固定的一个路径生成图片,那一个图片里会有多个代表不同方法的曲线,没遇到过生成15个图的情况

wulixunhua commented 6 years ago

@neodooth 不是15个,是18个,打开dbEval.m 最上面找到了这些标签,如下:

exps = { 'Reasonable', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'All', [20 inf], [.2 inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Scale=large', [100 inf], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Scale=near', [80 inf], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Scale=medium', [30 80], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Scale=far', [20 30], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Occ=none', [50 inf], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Occ=partial', [50 inf], [.65 1], 0, .5, 1.25 'Occ=heavy', [50 inf], [.2 .65], 0, .5, 1.25 'Ar=all', [50 inf], [inf inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Ar=typical', [50 inf], [inf inf], .1, .5, 1.25 'Ar=atypical', [50 inf], [inf inf], -.1, .5, 1.25 'Overlap=25', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .25, 1.25 'Overlap=50', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .50, 1.25 'Overlap=75', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .75, 1.25 'Expand=100', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .5, 1.00 'Expand=125', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .5, 1.25 'Expand=150', [50 inf], [.65 inf], 0, .5, 1.50 };

每一个标签对应生成了一张miss rate图,其中这些: “All” ,3个 “Occ” 的参数,三个"Ar"的参数,三个“Expand”的参数,我没明白代表什么意思,可以讲一下吗?谢谢 @neodooth

lijinxi1314 commented 6 years ago

dbEval Loading detections: D:\code3.2.1 (1)/results/UsaTest Loading ground truth: D:\code3.2.1 (1)/results/UsaTest Experiment #1: Reasonable Evaluating: D:\code3.2.1 (1)/results/UsaTest The index exceeds the dimension of the matrix.

error: dbEval>plotExps (line 246) stra={res(1,:).stra}; stre={res(:,1).stre}; scores1=round(scores*100);

error: dbEval (line 181) plotExps( res, plotRoc, plotAlg, plotNum, plotName, ... 我在运行dbEval时一直都在出现这个错误,当我把D:\code3.2.1 (1)/results/UsaTest改成D:\code3.2.1 (1)\results\UsaTest时还是相同的错误,您能告诉我怎么解决比较好吗?

jiulongwong commented 6 years ago

Maybe because the result files of the algorithms in /res folder don't match with the labels of the algorithms in dbeval.m. Or you don't even unzip the algorithms result files which file format is zip in /res folder.

lijinxi1314 commented 6 years ago

when I run dbEval, an error occurred: error: dbEval>plotExps (line 287) savefig(fName1,1,'pdf','-r300','-fonts'); close(1); f1=[fName1 '.pdf'];

error: dbEval (line 181) plotExps( res, plotRoc, plotAlg, plotNum, plotName, ...

I can't get my UsaTestRocReasonable.pdf, so how can I handle this problem? thank you

LewX commented 6 years ago

@neodooth Hello, I have folllowed your guidence as putting my own results under res following the format of the official results from other algorithms. But when I run dbEval, an error occurred:

**Loading detections: C:\Users\whscu\Desktop\WH\SCUT\caltech/results/UsaTest Algorithm #1: Faster-RCNN 索引超出矩阵维度。

出错 dbEval>loadDt (line 484) for f=frames, bb=bbs(bbs(:,1)==f+1,2:6);

出错 dbEval (line 178) dts = loadDt( algs, plotName, aspectRatio );** Have you ever met a similar bug?


wanghao14 commented 6 years ago

@neodooth Hello, I have folllowed your guidence as putting my own results under res following the format of the official results from other algorithms. But when I run dbEval, an error occurred: Loading detections: C:\Users\whscu\Desktop\WH\SCUT\caltech/results/UsaTest Algorithm #1: Faster-RCNN 索引超出矩阵维度。 出错 dbEval>loadDt (line 484) for f=frames, bb=bbs(bbs(:,1)==f+1,2:6); 出错 dbEval (line 178) dts = loadDt( algs, plotName, aspectRatio ); Have you ever met a similar bug?



thhung commented 6 years ago

@neodooth Could you help me a description for the output format in step3: "put your own results under res following the format of the official results from other algorithms"? Thanks.

hdjsjyl commented 5 years ago

@LewX @neodooth 请问你知道怎样用新的annotation来做evaluation吗

Egrass commented 4 years ago

@neodooth 你好,我下载了(http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Image_Datasets/CaltechPedestrians/datasets/USA/res/) 提供的结果,打开看到每行的第一个参数为30,30,30,30.....60,60,60,60.....90,90,90,90,90.......。但是我生成的caltech测试集的图片名字是:set06_V001_I00029_usatest.jpg, set06_V001_I00059_usatest.jpg, set06_V001_I00119_usatest.jpg 。是不是写图片名字要写成30,60,90这样子才行?还有个问题就是,测试集的有些图片里面是没有人的,都要送入去测试吗
