zhaoweicai / mscnn

Caffe implementation of our multi-scale object detection framework
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Something about the label #66

Open jsjs0827 opened 7 years ago

jsjs0827 commented 7 years ago

I see the MSCNN\mscnn-master\examples\kitti_car\mscnn-7s-384-2x trainval_1st.protxotxt,the label top: "label_1_5x5" top: "label_1_7x7" top: "label_2_5x5" top: "label_2_7x7" top: "label_3_5x5" top: "label_3_7x7" top: "label_4_5x5" so many label for just one picture?

zhaoweicai commented 7 years ago

Yes, because there are multiple output branches. Each branch needs a label blob.

jsjs0827 commented 7 years ago

Can you give me the details that how the labels make?I want to train on my own data.Could you give me the way to contact with you.Here is my mailbox:475975144@qq.com