zhaoyang21cn / iLiveSDK_Android_Suixinbo

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在Android盒子端互动视频角度调整 #70

Open lingyunzhu opened 6 years ago

lingyunzhu commented 6 years ago

互动直播,主播在Android盒子端邀请其他用户互动,然后主播盒子端用户的视频画面总是不是正的;用户手机端主播的画面也不是正的(手机端和手机端互动正常),感觉被旋转了90度,请问如何调整画面? device-2017-12-27-120225

xkazer commented 6 years ago

盒子端不存在旋转,建议可以在setAutoOrientation中关闭 对于角度问题,可以结合使用下面几个接口顺序调整(从上往下调整): setDeviceRotation 设置本地角度(手机画面应该是正确的,盒子显示手机画面方向可以先用这个纠正) setRemoteRotationFix 设置本地采集画面在远端上的角度 setLocalFullScreen 设置本地预览角度

lingyunzhu commented 6 years ago

@xkazer 非常感谢,您的答案已基本解决问题

lordmen99 commented 6 years ago

anyone can help me, i have try setup demo live app with my app id and key. but show issue user key invalid. Please , how setup app id etc and backend from tencent until working

xkazer commented 6 years ago

@lordmen99 read document 帐号登录集成-独立模式

lordmen99 commented 6 years ago

u have skype xkazer? add mine = poster994. i want discuss some about app

xkazer commented 6 years ago

no, i don't. send mail to xkazer@qq.com

lordmen99 commented 6 years ago


Greathfs commented 6 years ago

我这边还是没解决...观看端还是旋转90度 @xkazer