zhaoyanswill / RAPSearch2

Reduced Alphabet based Protein similarity Search
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Extension for RAP database. #13

Open deprekate opened 9 years ago

deprekate commented 9 years ago

It seems it might be beneficial to add an extension to the database created by prerapsearch.

All other homology based search tools add unique extensions for their databases. It helps to keep track of what files belong to what program.

Program Database
BLAST nr.pal
BLAT nr.2bit
DIAMOND nr.dmnd
LASTAL nr.prj
WUBLAST nr.xpd

When I ran prerapsearch I figured it would add an extension since the usage says -n swift-file(base name only). But it appears the base name is the full name. Maybe an integer gets added to the basename if the database gets split, however the -s flag is not currently working.

I lost my input file because my -n value was the same as my input file, this is because I was expecting RAPSEARCH to add its own extension.

I know I can easily add an extension, but then when I run rapsearch I will have to remember to type the full name with extension. With all other tools you do not specify the extension.