zhaoyanswill / RAPSearch2

Reduced Alphabet based Protein similarity Search
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HSP e-value in XML is incorrect #21

Open adkinsrs opened 9 years ago

adkinsrs commented 9 years ago


I have run RAPSearch 2 (v2.23) using the -s F and -x T options. While the e-value appears correct for the .aln or the .m8 formatted files, it seems rather incorrect for XML format. For instance, one hit that had an e-value of 2e-127 in the .m8 file had just a value of 1 assigned in the XML tags, and it appears that most of the e-values lower than 1 end up just having a value of 1. Another with an e-value of 7e-05 in the .m8 file seems to have an HSP e-value of 1.00016 in the XML. Not sure exactly what is going on here, but it definitely seems like a bug.

Thanks for the help.