zhaoyuzhi / ChildPredictor

ChildPredictor: A Child Face Prediction Framework with Disentangled Learning. IEEE TMM, 2022
MIT License
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Gray output images #3

Closed mcanan closed 5 months ago

mcanan commented 2 years ago

I followed the steps in 3.3. Testing a Real Face but I am getting as output 320 gray images like this:


I am using the downloaded weights and the default input images defined in the validation.yaml file.


zhaoyuzhi commented 2 years ago

I tried it on my Windows 10 computer and it seems to work well. You can see the following information:

[INFO] LogHandlers setup!
22-07-28 14:07:53.993 : ********************* Validation Phase ************************
22-07-28 14:07:53.994 : => Import libs
22-07-28 14:07:54.012 : => Set validation data
22-07-28 14:07:54.015 : => Make models and load checkpoint
22-07-28 14:07:56.518 : Loading pytorch model from `Models/pretrain/ProGAN_pt_mixtureData_GAN_MSGAN_ACGAN.pth`.
22-07-28 14:07:56.652 : Successfully loaded!
22-07-28 14:07:56.653 :   `lod` of the loaded model is 0.0.
22-07-28 14:07:58.170 : ===> Use 1 GPUs
22-07-28 14:07:58.276 : ===> Load ckp for <Mapping_net> from E:\\code\\baby_model_pool\\mapping\\Mapping_Xencoder_full_ProGAN_GAN_MSGAN_ACGAN_deepArch_multi-gt_v4\\MappingNet_Batchsize_32_Epoch_298.pth
22-07-28 14:07:58.528 : => Begin to validate the model

But I found that I obtain a similar result with you on a Ubuntu computer. I am not sure the reason currently. I will try to figure it out.

zhaoyuzhi commented 2 years ago

Okay it seems that the ProGAN's weights provided are not correct.

Enter the code folder. You can simply do the following operations and re-run the main.py:

mkdir ./babymapping_1219/Models/pretrain
mv ./baby_model_pool/ProGAN-ckp/* ./babymapping_1219/Models/pretrain/

Hope this can address your issue.

mcanan commented 2 years ago

Great! Is working nice now! Thank you.