zhaoyuzhi / Deep-Convolutional-Network-Cascade-for-Facial-Point-Detection

TensorFlow implementation of cascade CNN, trained level-by-level
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Please download the dataset from the paper #4

Open zhaoyuzhi opened 4 years ago

zhaoyuzhi commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your attention of this project. For dataset, please refer to original paper or contact authors directly. I am not the author and do not have dataset now.

0816JYJ commented 4 years ago

请问是否有些py文件没有提供,比如4.4中的LE31_run.py, LE32_run.py, RE31_run.py, RE32_run.py, N31_run.py, N32_run.py, LM31_run.py, LM32_run.py, RM31_run.py和RM32_run.py。除此之外,程序中频繁打开的trainImageList.xlsx与testImageList.xlsx这两个excel文件也不存在,没有这些东西我不能根您的代码运行说明跑出结果。如果有的话请您给我发一下,邮箱1165261752@qq.com,万分感谢!

zhaoyuzhi commented 4 years ago

sorry 文件我这边找不到了。如果是这两个xls的话,可以根据论文作者提供的数据集找到的。你需要找到数据集地址