zhaoyuzhi / deepfillv2

The PyTorch implementation of ICCV 2019 oral paper: free-form inpainting (deepfillv2), especially Gated Conv
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How long does it take to train the model? #5

Open CharlesNord opened 4 years ago

CharlesNord commented 4 years ago

Hello, I really appreciate your elegant implementation of the gated convolution and the coarse to fine structure. I am very curious about how long does it take to get the comparable result as the original paper?

olegkhomenko commented 4 years ago

I would like also to say thank you for the nice-written code.

One question regarding the training procedure: which gan type is preferable? LSGAN or WGAN? In the training loop there is no gradient penalty or weight clipping, so probably training WGAN is not a stable process in this configuration?