zhayujie / bot-on-anything

Connect AI models (like ChatGPT-3.5/4.0, Baidu Yiyan, New Bing, Bard) to apps (like Wechat, public account, DingTalk, Telegram, QQ). 将 ChatGPT、必应、文心一言、谷歌Bard 等对话模型连接各类应用,如微信、公众号、QQ、Telegram、Gmail、Slack、Web、企业微信、飞书、钉钉等。
MIT License
3.81k stars 894 forks source link

Bing Jailbreak #239

Open infinit-X opened 1 year ago

infinit-X commented 1 year ago

why removed jailbreak from latest release?

RegimenArsenic commented 1 year ago

The jailbreak feature is implemented in the latest code which has not been released yet. If you want to use the jailbroken Bing, you need to clone the latest code.