zhearing / Apollo-seg

The lidar obstacle segmention part of Apollo perception module.
Apache License 2.0
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How to train the network? #2

Open WSTao opened 5 years ago

WSTao commented 5 years ago

Hello, if I want to train the network myself, how can I make the data lable? I read the source code, but I don’t understand the specific meaning of the output of the network. Have you trained this network?

zhearing commented 5 years ago

you can write the network by yourself, there is no open source code to train the model. I trained the model, but I didn't get the close result as Apollo. Reference: https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo/blob/master/docs/specs/3d_obstacle_perception.md

WSTao commented 5 years ago

Thank you very much, are you training data generated by yourself, how to make training labels?

zhearing commented 5 years ago

You can try it with the KITTI dataset or your own data.

WSTao commented 5 years ago

Can you share your code for generating lable tags, thank you very much