zhejz / carla-roach

Roach: End-to-End Urban Driving by Imitating a Reinforcement Learning Coach. ICCV 2021.
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CUDA error: out of memory #15

Closed neilsambhu closed 2 years ago

neilsambhu commented 2 years ago

I have collected NoCrash-dense data successfully: https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/run/data_collect_bc_NeilBranch0.sh https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/data_collect_NeilBranch0.py

When I run my version of train_rl.py ( https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/train_rl_NeilBranch0.py ), I get the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_rl_NeilBranch0.py", line 87, in main agent = AgentClass('config_agent.yaml') File "/home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/rl_birdview_agent.py", line 31, in init self.setup(path_to_conf_file) File "/home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/rl_birdview_agent.py", line 205, in setup self._policy, self._train_cfg['kwargs'] = self._policy_class.load(self._ckpt) File "/home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/models/ppo_policy.py", line 226, in load saved_variables = th.load(path, map_location=device) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 529, in load return _legacy_load(opened_file, map_location, pickle_module, *pickle_load_args) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 702, in _legacy_load result = unpickler.load() File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 665, in persistent_load deserialized_objects[root_key] = restore_location(obj, location) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 737, in restore_location return default_restore_location(storage, map_location) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 156, in default_restore_location result = fn(storage, location) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/serialization.py", line 136, in _cuda_deserialize return storage_type(obj.size()) File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/cuda/init.py", line 480, in _lazy_new return super(_CudaBase, cls).new(cls, args, **kwargs) RuntimeError: CUDA error: out of memory

My shell script to call train_rl.py is listed here: https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/run/train_rl_NeilBranch0.sh

I have already reduced the batch size from 256 to 1 and the error persists: https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/config/agent/ppo/training/ppo.yaml

Output from ( https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/train_rl_NeilBranch0.py#L78 ) to show the batch size decreased: cfg.agent[agent_name] {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.rl_birdview_agent:RlBirdviewAgent', 'wb_run_path': '', 'wb_ckpt_step': None, 'env_wrapper': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.utils.rl_birdview_wrapper:RlBirdviewWrapper', 'kwargs': {'input_states': ['control', 'vel_xy'], 'acc_as_action': True}}, 'policy': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.ppo_policy:PpoPolicy', 'kwargs': {'policy_head_arch': [256, 256], 'value_head_arch': [256, 256], 'features_extractor_entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.torch_layers:XtMaCNN', 'features_extractor_kwargs': {'states_neurons': [256, 256]}, 'distribution_entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.distributions:BetaDistribution', 'distribution_kwargs': {'dist_init': None}}}, 'training': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.ppo:PPO', 'kwargs': {'learning_rate': 1e-05, 'n_steps_total': 12288, 'batch_size': 1, 'n_epochs': 20, 'gamma': 0.99, 'gae_lambda': 0.9, 'clip_range': 0.2, 'clip_range_vf': None, 'ent_coef': 0.01, 'explore_coef': 0.05, 'vf_coef': 0.5, 'max_grad_norm': 0.5, 'target_kl': 0.01, 'update_adv': False, 'lr_schedule_step': 8}}, 'obs_configs': {'birdview': {'module': 'birdview.chauffeurnet', 'width_in_pixels': 192, 'pixels_ev_to_bottom': 40, 'pixels_per_meter': 5.0, 'history_idx': [-16, -11, -6, -1], 'scale_bbox': True, 'scale_mask_col': 1.0}, 'speed': {'module': 'actor_state.speed'}, 'control': {'module': 'actor_state.control'}, 'velocity': {'module': 'actor_state.velocity'}}}

neilsambhu commented 2 years ago

As a workaround, I configured ( https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/config/train_envs/endless_all.yaml ) to train on only Town01. I get the following error when running one loop of ( https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/run/train_rl_NeilBranch0.sh ).

(carla) nsambhu@SAMBHU19:~/github/carla-roach$ run/train_rl_NeilBranch0.sh>out.txt
wandb: ⭐️ View project at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/carla-roach-outputs_2022-06-15_18-51-04
wandb: 🚀 View run at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/carla-roach-outputs_2022-06-15_18-51-04/runs/2i4242s0
run/train_rl_NeilBranch0.sh: line 3: 96849 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) python -u train_rl_NeilBranch0.py agent.ppo.wb_run_path=null wb_project=train_rl_experts wb_name=roach agent/ppo/policy=xtma_beta agent.ppo.training.kwargs.explore_coef=0.05 carla_sh_path=${CARLA_ROOT}/CarlaUE4.sh
 PYTHON_RETURN=139!!! Start Over!!!
Neil start here 1
Neil start here 1
[2022-06-15 18:51:05,629][utils.server_utils][INFO] - Kill Carla Servers!
Neil left here 1
Neil start here 2
cfg.train_envs [{'env_id': 'Endless-v0', 'env_configs': {'carla_map': 'Town01', 'num_zombie_vehicles': [0, 150], 'num_zombie_walkers': [0, 300], 'weather_group': 'dynamic_1.0'}, 'gpu': [0]}]
[2022-06-15 18:51:06,648][utils.server_utils][INFO] - Kill Carla Servers!
[2022-06-15 18:51:06,648][utils.server_utils][INFO] - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash /opt/carla-simulator/CarlaUE4.sh -fps=10 -quality-level=Epic -carla-rpc-port=2000
Neil left here 2
Neil start here 3
Neil left here 3
Neil start here 4
Neil left here 4
Neil start here 5
Neil left here 5
Neil start here 6.0
cfg.agent[agent_name] {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.rl_birdview_agent:RlBirdviewAgent', 'wb_run_path': None, 'wb_ckpt_step': None, 'env_wrapper': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.utils.rl_birdview_wrapper:RlBirdviewWrapper', 'kwargs': {'input_states': ['control', 'vel_xy'], 'acc_as_action': True}}, 'policy': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.ppo_policy:PpoPolicy', 'kwargs': {'policy_head_arch': [256, 256], 'value_head_arch': [256, 256], 'features_extractor_entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.torch_layers:XtMaCNN', 'features_extractor_kwargs': {'states_neurons': [256, 256]}, 'distribution_entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.distributions:BetaDistribution', 'distribution_kwargs': {'dist_init': None}}}, 'training': {'entry_point': 'agents.rl_birdview.models.ppo:PPO', 'kwargs': {'learning_rate': 1e-05, 'n_steps_total': 12288, 'batch_size': 256, 'n_epochs': 20, 'gamma': 0.99, 'gae_lambda': 0.9, 'clip_range': 0.2, 'clip_range_vf': None, 'ent_coef': 0.01, 'explore_coef': 0.05, 'vf_coef': 0.5, 'max_grad_norm': 0.5, 'target_kl': 0.01, 'update_adv': False, 'lr_schedule_step': 8}}, 'obs_configs': {'birdview': {'module': 'birdview.chauffeurnet', 'width_in_pixels': 192, 'pixels_ev_to_bottom': 40, 'pixels_per_meter': 5.0, 'history_idx': [-16, -11, -6, -1], 'scale_bbox': True, 'scale_mask_col': 1.0}, 'speed': {'module': 'actor_state.speed'}, 'control': {'module': 'actor_state.control'}, 'velocity': {'module': 'actor_state.velocity'}}}
cfg.agent[agent_name].entry_point agents.rl_birdview.rl_birdview_agent:RlBirdviewAgent
Neil 6.1
type(AgentClass) <class 'type'>
AgentClass <class 'agents.rl_birdview.rl_birdview_agent.RlBirdviewAgent'>
Neil 6.2
Neil 6.3
Neil left here 6.0
Neil start here 7
Neil left here 7
Neil start here 8
Neil left here 8
[2022-06-15 18:51:11,703][__main__][INFO] - making port 2000
calling registration.py > make(id, **kwargs)
Neil start here 100
Neil left here 100
Neil start here 200
Neil left here 200
Neil /home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/rl_birdview_agent.py:256
trainable parameters: 1.53M
Neil /home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/models/ppo.py:216
n_epoch: 0, num_timesteps: 12288
n_epoch: 1, num_timesteps: 24576
Vehicle agent not added to the crowd by some problem! 
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Vehicle agent not added to the crowd by some problem! 
Vehicle agent not added to the crowd by some problem! 
n_epoch: 2, num_timesteps: 36864
n_epoch: 3, num_timesteps: 49152
n_epoch: 4, num_timesteps: 61440
n_epoch: 5, num_timesteps: 73728
n_epoch: 6, num_timesteps: 86016
n_epoch: 7, num_timesteps: 98304
n_epoch: 8, num_timesteps: 110592
[2022-06-15 21:30:12,755][carla_gym.core.zombie_walker.zombie_walker_handler][WARNING] - Carla/Maps/Town01: Spawning zombie walkers max trial 10 reached! spawned/to_spawn: 119/120

I don't know why the epoch 1 has an error, epochs 2-7 work, and epoch 8 has a fatal error. When I try to run training again without deleting the outputs/checkpoint.txt file, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "train_rl_NeilBranch0.py", line 135, in main
    wb_callback = WandbCallback(cfg, env)
  File "/home/nsambhu/github/carla-roach/agents/rl_birdview/utils/wandb_callback.py", line 23, in __init__
  File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_config.py", line 178, in update
    sanitized = self._update(d, allow_val_change)
  File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_config.py", line 172, in _update
    parsed_dict, allow_val_change, ignore_keys=locked_keys
  File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_config.py", line 231, in _sanitize_dict
    k, v = self._sanitize(k, v, allow_val_change)
  File "/home/nsambhu/anaconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wandb/sdk/wandb_config.py", line 257, in _sanitize
    ).format(key, self._items[key], val)
wandb.sdk.lib.config_util.ConfigError: Attempted to change value of key "actors" from {'hero': {'coach': None, 'driver': 'ppo', 'reward': {'entry_point': 'reward.valeo_action:ValeoAction'}, 'terminal': {'kwargs': {'max_time': 300, 'no_run_rl': False, 'no_run_stop': False, 'no_collision': True}, 'entry_point': 'terminal.leaderboard_dagger:LeaderboardDagger'}}} to {'hero': {'agent': 'ppo', 'reward': {'entry_point': 'reward.valeo_action:ValeoAction', 'kwargs': {}}, 'terminal': {'entry_point': 'terminal.valeo_no_det_px:ValeoNoDetPx', 'kwargs': {}}}}
If you really want to do this, pass allow_val_change=True to config.update()

I changed the wandb.init in ( https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/agents/rl_birdview/utils/wandb_callback.py#L23 ) to allow_val_change=True. I get the same error.

How can I train RL experts?

neilsambhu commented 2 years ago

I deleted the outputs/checkpoint.txt file and re-ran the train_rl_NeilBranch0.sh script. I see the wandb URL changed from

wandb: ⭐️ View project at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/carla-roach-outputs_2022-06-15_18-51-04
wandb: 🚀 View run at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/carla-roach-outputs_2022-06-15_18-51-04/runs/2i4242s0


wandb: ⭐️ View project at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/train_rl_experts
wandb: 🚀 View run at https://wandb.ai/neilsambhu/train_rl_experts/runs/29472vhr


I assume this means the allow_val_change=True has taken effect. I will mark this issue as resolved once I see I'm able to train across multiple towns.

neilsambhu commented 2 years ago

I resolved the checkpoint issue by adding the allow_val_change to the first call to the wandb.config.update() function: https://github.com/neilsambhu/carla-roach/blob/NeilBranch0/agents/rl_birdview/utils/wandb_callback.py#L32 . I should be able to resume training and train across multiple towns, 1 town for each training session.