zhejz / carla-roach

Roach: End-to-End Urban Driving by Imitating a Reinforcement Learning Coach. ICCV 2021.
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How to retrain a new RL model in Town10 #26

Open sonicokuo opened 1 year ago

sonicokuo commented 1 year ago

Dear zhejz,

I would like to use train_rl.sh to train a new model from scratch in Town10HD. I have changed the part of Town02 in endless_all.yaml into a Town10HD version, as the pattern shown below.

Besides, I have used the file carla_gym/utils/birdview_map.py to generate a new BEV hdf5 map of Town10, which is Town10HD.h5 in /maps. However, it report some errors as shown below

Process ForkServerProcess-1: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 297, in _bootstrap self.run() File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/process.py", line 99, in run self._target(*self._args, self._kwargs) File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/stable_baselines3/common/vec_env/subproc_vec_env.py", line 13, in _worker env = env_fn_wrapper.var() File "train_rl.py", line 64, in env = SubprocVecEnv([lambda config=config: env_maker(config) for config in server_manager.env_configs]) File "train_rl.py", line 57, in env_maker seed=cfg.seed, no_rendering=True, config['env_configs']) File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", line 145, in make return registry.make(id, kwargs) File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", line 90, in make env = spec.make(kwargs) File "/home/hcis-s09/miniconda3/envs/carla/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gym/envs/registration.py", line 60, in make env = cls(**_kwargs) File "/home/hcis-s09/Downloads/carla-roach/carla_gym/envs/suites/endless_env.py", line 9, in init obs_configs, reward_configs, terminal_configs, all_tasks) File "/home/hcis-s09/Downloads/carla-roach/carla_gym/carla_multi_agent_env.py", line 28, in init self._init_client(carla_map, host, port, seed=seed, no_rendering=no_rendering) File "/home/hcis-s09/Downloads/carla-roach/carla_gym/carla_multi_agent_env.py", line 152, in _init_client self._world = client.load_world(carla_map) RuntimeError: time-out of 60000ms while waiting for the simulator, make sure the simulator is ready and connected to localhost:2000

I guess that just changing the town name from Town02 to Town10HD in endless_all.yaml is not sufficient enough to change the target town of RL training. Could you please give me some hints about how to retrain a new RL model in Town10? Thank you all for all of your beautiful works!

Sincerely, sonicokuo

zhejz commented 1 year ago

It seems to be a problem from the CARLA server side.

Z7MightGuy commented 1 year ago

@sonicokuo Hey, were you able to solve this issue? Also, could you run a benchmark test on town 10?