Closed sevapopov2 closed 1 year ago
I actually found the problem and write the solution here in case it can be useful for someone. The problem was that I forgot to install flake8-docstrings extension for my project. That is why it worked differently with my local environment and pre-commit. It did not do anything at all with flake8-quotes at all. Thank you and I hope someone finds it any useful!
I have the following issue. I set up my flake8 in my virtual pipenv environment together with flake8-quotes as I do it usually and everything works great. However when I try to set up flake8 pre-commit hook it seems like flake8-quotes extension doesn't work. When pre-commit is running there are errors that tripple double quotes should be used instead of single tripple quotes. However the docstring-quotes is set to ' as shown below
code sample
flake8-quotes configuration in setup.cfg
pre-commit output
flake8 hook's setup in .pre-commit-config.yaml
I wrote to Flake8 as you can see in this issue but they recommended to write here. flake8 6.1.0, flake8-quotes 3.3.2, pre-commit 3.3.3. I can provide more info if needed.