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Problem in the part II #19

Open danielsockit opened 9 years ago

danielsockit commented 9 years ago

I think everything worked out because I see the rootfs.tar at output/images but when I try to do this: sudo mkfs.ext2 /dev/sdX2(x in my case b) sudo mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt(x in my case b) sudo tar xf output/images/rootfs.tar -C /mnt When I type the code above the message I get this: tar: ./var/spool: Cannot open: File exists tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors Do you know what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

zhemao commented 9 years ago

That's strange. It would appear tar is refusing to overwrite a file. Does the directory /mnt/var/spool already exist?

danielsockit commented 9 years ago

I have already fixed the problem. It was a problem with the partitions of the sd, when I tried to delete all partitions there was one left sdb1 that I couldn't delete. Making a partprobe and resetting linux It was fixed. Then I followed yours steps again and it worked out. Thank you very much.

arktur04 commented 9 years ago

Hello! What version of linaro compiler have you used? I tried build LInux-socfpga with linaro4.8-2015.06, but I've got the message "missing stubs-soft.h". Do you know how to fix it?
