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md5 Cracker Software #20

Closed blueprint87 closed 9 years ago

blueprint87 commented 9 years ago

Hi Howard:

Love your blogs. Great job :)

I'm more on the digital logic side of things and am inexperienced with encryption... I'm enjoying learning with the md5 posts. The md5 cracker verilog, test benches etc I understood perfectly (HPS software as well) however I am at a loss with respect to the c code.

In particular, what is the usage for padandprint and reference? I find fread is not agreeing with the stdin (when executing padandprint, it will always abort). A /software README would help out greatly.

Thanks in advance Howard.

[EDIT] If i manually assign the words reference works - still an issue with fread. BUT it works.

jeffykay commented 9 years ago

I think I have the same question. Note sure stdin (which I believe takes input from keyboard) is the correct thing to use (i.e., are we supposed to enter the test sequence via the keyboard? that would seem strange). I'm thinking we should point to a test sequence file with fread instead, but so far have not been successful. Any help from anybody would be greatly appreciated - not sure if the the original author is still following this... something about a PhD.

zhemao commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, sorry about the delayed response. My github inbox is pretty noisy these days, so I sometimes miss these messages.

In response to your questions about stdin. On Linux, you can pipe in a file to a program using the < symbol. So on your shell prompt, if you type

./reference < file

It will compute the md5 sum of the file in software and print the result.

As for padandprint, that's really just a one-off utility for my own convenience. I used it to generate the test vectors for the verilog testbench. I should probably add a README for the software.