zhenchen16 / ptychography

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Unrecognized function or variable 'get_object_extent'. #4

Open Amirafsharm opened 7 months ago

Amirafsharm commented 7 months ago

Unrecognized function or variable 'get_object_extent'. Error in get_inputs_real_new (line 177) Np_o = get_object_extent(Np_p, probe_positions, exins.extra); Error in Data (line 86) [self,varargin] = get_inputs_real_new(self, varargin{:}) ; Error in ptychography_clean_drive (line 86) [inputs,exins] = Data('real', exins);

I replaced get_object_extent with engines.GPU.shared.get_object_extent and it works. Would you confirm this fix?