zhengchangsulab / ProSampler

ultra-fast motif-finder in very large sequence sets
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Trying to make simple test #1

Open Benja1972 opened 6 years ago

Benja1972 commented 6 years ago

I am doing simple test with your data and getting error

$ ./ProSampler.unix -i SYNTHETIC_DATA/FASTA_FILE/Data1.fa -o out Finished parsing input parameters to the program. Finished loading FASTA file SYNTHETIC_DATA/FASTA_FILE/Data_1.fa into sequence variable. There're altogether 500 FASTA sequences inputted into this program. Error: The number of sequence name lines is not equal to the number of sequence lines!

mgfield commented 5 years ago

I have the exact same problem when trying to use this. Has this been figured out yet?

tanya-bioinfo commented 1 year ago

I also encountered this problem. I realized my fasta file was not formatted correctly. It should be like this:


However, simple cat *fasta > input,fa wont work. as no headers will be there and this error will be thrown.