zhengj2007 / bfo-trunk

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Review BFO 1.2 proposal with aim of seeing how to more closely align with BFO2 #144

Open zhengj2007 opened 9 years ago

zhengj2007 commented 9 years ago

From alanruttenberg@gmail.com on January 29, 2013 13:08:55

I have had a first conversation today with James Overton in which we reviewed the mapping spreadsheet that James prepared: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnbOUYWIQYUEdF9yb0hlUjhBUGRnVWNTVFJQX0xOUlE#gid=1 Good progress was made in identifying obsolete classes and relations, checking the impact on OBI of making them obsolete, an supplying alternative mappings in BFO2

In a next meeting we will review the part relations, the concretizes relation, and the transformation relation as well as any further issues that are raised.

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/bfo/issues/detail?id=145

zhengj2007 commented 9 years ago

From alanruttenberg@gmail.com on February 04, 2013 20:15:36

In a second meeting, this time with the OBI developers group we discussed the changes to James mapping file, which will be reviewed by more OBI developers. We also discussed the strategy of always choosing the part-of-at-all-times relation for continuants. It was also claimed that Allen Xiang has software that will distinguish continuant from occurrent part-of. These two choices, along with the other mappings would mean that an automatic translation could be done. The general sentiment was that this seemed a reasonable approach.

No final decision was made, and Allen's software needs to be validated.