zhengj2007 / bfo-trunk

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Cycle in definition of located_in based on parthood between regions #184

Open zhengj2007 opened 9 years ago

zhengj2007 commented 9 years ago

From steschu@gmail.com on October 17, 2013 12:37:49

In the BFO reference the relation located_in is defined in terms of continuant_part_of (between regions)

DEFINITION [045-001]: b located_in c at t = Def. b and c are independent continuants, and the region at which b is located at t is a (proper or improper) continuant_part_of the region at which c is located at t. [045-001]

However, the axiom

Axiom [047-002]: if b continuant_part_of c at t and b is an independent continuant, then b is located_in c at t.

infers location from parthood between continuants. As regions (see above) are independent continuants, too, this leads to a cycle, as the definition of location is based on parthood between regions, which implied location between regions which implies parthood etc. etc.

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/bfo/issues/detail?id=185