zhenglei-gao / KineticEval

An R package for kinetic evaluations
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outputs need to be generated even error ocuured in optimization #3

Closed zhenglei-gao closed 10 years ago

zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago
zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago
  HStestcases09050119 <- mkinmod.full(
       conc = list(
                   sink  = TRUE,
       type = "HS",
         k1 = list(ini   = 0.6000,
                   fixed = 0,
                   lower = 0.0,
                   upper = Inf),
         k2 = list(ini   = 0.15000,
                   fixed = 0,
                   lower = 0.0,
                   upper = Inf),
         tb = list(ini   = 0.10000,
                   fixed = 0,
                   lower = 0.0,
                   upper = Inf),
         M0 = list(ini   = 100,
                   fixed = 0,
                   lower = 0.0,
                   upper = Inf)),data=HStestcases2.txt)
      Fit    <- KinEval(
              evalMethod = 'IRLS',
             optimMethod = 'LM',
               plotfit   = TRUE,
               quiet     = TRUE,
               ctr       = kingui.control(
                              maxIter = 100,
                            tolerance = 1E-06,
                            odesolver = 'lsoda'),
            irls.control = list(
                              maxIter = 10,
                            tolerance = 0.001))

    list2ascii(summary(Fit, cov = TRUE,version = versioninfo[1,1]),"out.kgo")
zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago

I should have a function to generate .kgo and .kgg from just the mkinmod.full object

zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago
  1. fiterr <- function(obj){}
  2. Think about the error message!!
  3. ...
zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago

Need to identify which parameters are 0 and could be the reason that the statistics are not calculated.

zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago





zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago


zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago


zhenglei-gao commented 11 years ago

Add emptyreport, emptygraph, print.emptyReport to generate complete empty report file and graph data file for the GUI.

zhenglei-gao commented 10 years ago
  1. KinReport added
  2. Use logerror and loginfo with logging package