zhengrenzhe / vscode-Nyan-Cat

Nyan Cat for VSCode!
MIT License
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command 'extension.NyanCatReload' not found #1

Closed andbuitra closed 6 years ago

andbuitra commented 6 years ago


I just installed the extension but when trying to reload it shows the error "command 'extension.NyanCatReload' not found". Same with the refresh one "command 'extension.NyanCatRefresh' not found"


It doesn't work at all, btw.

Installed version: The marketplace one VSCode Version: 1.19.1

zhengrenzhe commented 6 years ago

What operating system do you use? Are you installing for the first time or Update to the latest version? You installed the version is 0.0.5?

andbuitra commented 6 years ago

I'm using elementaryOS Loki (Ubuntu 16.04).

Installing for the first time.

Installed version is 0.0.5

zhengrenzhe commented 6 years ago

got, I have to test the problem on elementaryos, it needs some time, before i fixed the bug, you can uninstall the extension.

zhengrenzhe commented 6 years ago

Because of the VSCode extension have no permissions to modify the VSCode source code on linux, it leds this problem, so you can run VSCode with sudo, for example

sudo code --user-data-dir=~

then rerunNyan Cat: refresh status bar or other command, and close this VSCode instance, then reopen vscode by ordinary user, you can see the command came into effect.

andbuitra commented 6 years ago

Hi, I was traveling therefore I wasn't able to check this.

Will try and tell you asap.

andbuitra commented 6 years ago

Yes, that worked perfectly. I now have the nice kitty on the status bar. Thanks a lot!

jchen43 commented 5 years ago

Trying this on Windows 10 with the same issue as the ticket.

Tried running as admin with a --user-data-dir set to root(C:.vscode).

Any thoughts on trying to debug this?

MuhammadimYusoff commented 4 years ago

First time install and very disappointed :(

says the same error, I am on macOS and I just installed for the extension, the error came out and I found this thread but cant even fix it. :(

OS: macOS Catalina Nyan version: 0.0.6 *VSCode: Version: 1.42.0 Electron: 6.1.6 OS: Darwin x64 19.3.0


Noemi- commented 4 years ago

+1, on mac 10.15.1 Electron: 7.1.11 Chrome: 78.0.3904.130 Node.js: 12.8.1 V8: OS: Darwin x64 19.0.0

suamirochadev commented 1 year ago

please, i need nyan cat 😿

lucasvabrantes commented 1 year ago

Not working on Mac Os Ventura! Please, guys. Nyan Cat is a gift for the humanity!

definesfineout commented 1 year ago

Doesn't work on Windows 10. Running in admin doesn't help.