zhengthomastang / 2018AICity_TeamUW

The winning method in Track 1 and Track 3 at the 2nd AI City Challenge Workshop in CVPR 2018 - Official Implementation
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sequence naming of images in TC_Tracker #20

Open Ali-Parsa opened 4 years ago

Ali-Parsa commented 4 years ago

Thank you again for your interesting code. How should be the sequence naming of images in the img_folder for TC_Tracker? I have the following error in my implementation. What is the problem?

Index exceeds the number of array elements (0).

Error in TC_tracker (line 8) temp_img = imread([img_folder,'\',img_list(1).name]);

Error in demo (line 30) TC_tracker(img_path,det_path,ROI_path,param,img_save_path,seq_name,...

zhengthomastang commented 4 years ago

It seems the length of the array is 0, which means you fed an empty directory. The images should be named as '%06.jpg' % frame_index.