zhengxwen / SNPRelate

R package: parallel computing toolset for relatedness and principal component analysis of SNP data (Development version only)
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snpgdsVCF2GDS in v0.99.0 randomly exits #3

Closed zhengxwen closed 9 years ago

zhengxwen commented 10 years ago

It is observed that when using SNPRelate 0.99 in R 3.1, the function of snpgdsVCF2GDS seems randomly to exit.

snpgdsVCF2GDS(vcf, gds, method="biallelic.only")

But the snpgdsVCF2GDS in SNPRelate 0.9.1 worked properly in the same VCF file.

zhengxwen commented 10 years ago

The R code of snpgdsVCF2GDS in SNPRelate_0.9.19 runs correctly, if you need an immediate solution:

# Convert a VCF (sequence) file to a GDS file (extract SNP data)
#   vcf.fn -- the file name of VCF format
#   outfn.gds -- the output gds file
#   nblock -- the number of lines in buffer
#   method -- biallelic SNPs, or copy number of variants
#   compress.annotation -- the compression method for sample and snp annotations
#   verbose -- show information

snpgdsVCF2GDS <- function(vcf.fn, outfn.gds, nblock=1024,
    method = c("biallelic.only", "copy.num.of.ref"),
    compress.annotation="ZIP.max", snpfirstdim=FALSE, option = NULL,
    # check
    stopifnot(is.logical(snpfirstdim) & (length(snpfirstdim)==1))

    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (is.null(option)) option <- snpgdsOption()

    # Scan VCF file -- get sample id

    scan.vcf.sampid <- function(fn)
        # open the vcf file
        opfile <- file(fn, open="r")

        # read header
        fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
        samp.id <- NULL
        while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
            if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")
                samp.id <- scan(text=s, what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
        if (is.null(samp.id))
            stop("Error VCF format: invalid sample id!")

        # close the file


    # Scan VCF file -- get marker information

    scan.vcf.marker <- function(fn, method)
        if (verbose)
            cat(sprintf("\tfile: %s\n", fn))

        # total number of rows and columns
        Cnt <- count.fields(fn, sep="\t")
        # check
        if (any(Cnt != Cnt[1]))
            stop(sprintf("The file (%s) has different numbers of columns.", fn))

        line.cnt <- length(Cnt)
        col.cnt <- max(Cnt)
        if (verbose)
            cat(sprintf("\tcontent: %d rows x %d columns\n", line.cnt, col.cnt))

        # open the vcf file
        opfile <- file(fn, open="r")

        # read header
        fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
        while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
            if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")

        # init ...
        chr <- character(line.cnt); position <- integer(line.cnt)
        snpidx <- integer(line.cnt); snp.rs <- character(line.cnt)
        snp.allele <- character(line.cnt)
        snp.cnt <- 0; var.cnt <- 0

        if (method == "biallelic.only")
            while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
                for (i in 1:length(s))
                    var.cnt <- var.cnt + 1
                    ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
                    if (all(ss[c(4,5)] %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T", "a", "g", "c", "t")))
                        snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + 1
                        chr[snp.cnt] <- ss[1]
                        position[snp.cnt] <- as.integer(ss[2])
                        snpidx[snp.cnt] <- var.cnt
                        snp.rs[snp.cnt] <- ss[3]
                        snp.allele[snp.cnt] <- paste(ss[4], ss[5], sep="/")
        } else {
            while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
                for (i in 1:length(s))
                    var.cnt <- var.cnt + 1
                    ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
                    snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + 1
                    chr[snp.cnt] <- ss[1]
                    position[snp.cnt] <- as.integer(ss[2])
                    snpidx[snp.cnt] <- var.cnt
                    snp.rs[snp.cnt] <- ss[3]
                    snp.allele[snp.cnt] <- paste(ss[4], ss[5], sep="/")

        # close the file

        # chromosomes
        chr <- chr[1:snp.cnt]
        flag <- match(chr, names(option$chromosome.code))
        chr[!is.na(flag)] <- unlist(option$chromosome.code)[ flag[!is.na(flag)] ]
        chr <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(chr))
        chr[is.na(chr)] <- -1

        snp.allele <- gsub(".", "/", snp.allele[1:snp.cnt], fixed=TRUE)
        list(chr = chr, position = position[1:snp.cnt],
            snpidx = snpidx[1:snp.cnt], snp.rs = snp.rs[1:snp.cnt],
            snp.allele = snp.allele

    # Scan VCF file -- get marker information

    scan.vcf.geno <- function(fn, gGeno, method, start)
        # matching codes
        geno.str <- c("0|0", "0|1", "1|0", "1|1", "0/0", "0/1", "1/0", "1/1",
            "0", "1",
            "0|0|0", "0|0|1", "0|1|0", "0|1|1", "1|0|0", "1|0|1", "1|1|0", "1|1|1",
            "0/0/0", "0/0/1", "0/1/0", "0/1/1", "1/0/0", "1/0/1", "1/1/0", "1/1/1")
        geno.code <- as.integer(c(2, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0,
            1, 0,
            2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 
            2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0))

        # open the vcf file
        opfile <- file(fn, open="r")
        # read header
        fmtstr <- substring(readLines(opfile, n=1), 3)
        while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=1)) > 0)
            if (substr(s, 1, 6) == "#CHROM")

        # scan
        snp.cnt <- start

        if (method == "biallelic.only")
            while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
                gx <- NULL
                for (i in 1:length(s))
                    ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE, n=5)
                    if (all(ss[c(4,5)] %in% c("A", "G", "C", "T", "a", "g", "c", "t")))
                        ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
                        ss <- sapply(strsplit(ss, ":"), FUN = function(x) x[1])
                        x <- match(ss, geno.str)
                        x <- geno.code[x]
                        x[is.na(x)] <- as.integer(3)
                        gx <- cbind(gx, x)
                if (!is.null(gx))
                    if (snpfirstdim)
                        write.gdsn(gGeno, t(gx), start=c(snp.cnt,1), count=c(ncol(gx),-1))
                    else {
                        write.gdsn(gGeno, gx, start=c(1,snp.cnt), count=c(-1,ncol(gx)))
                    snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + ncol(gx)
        } else {
            while (length(s <- readLines(opfile, n=nblock)) > 0)
                gx <- NULL
                for (i in 1:length(s))
                    ss <- scan(text=s[i], what=character(0), sep="\t", quiet=TRUE)[-c(1:9)]
                    x <- sapply(strsplit(ss, ":"), FUN = function(x) {
                        a <- unlist(strsplit(x[1], ""))
                        if (any(a == "."))
                            sum(a == "0")
                    x[x > 2] <- 2
                    x[is.na(x)] <- as.integer(3)
                    gx <- cbind(gx, x)
                if (!is.null(gx))
                    if (snpfirstdim)
                        write.gdsn(gGeno, t(gx), start=c(snp.cnt,1), count=c(ncol(gx),-1))
                        write.gdsn(gGeno, gx, start=c(1,snp.cnt), count=c(-1,ncol(gx)))
                    snp.cnt <- snp.cnt + ncol(gx)

        # close the file

        snp.cnt - start

    # Starting ...

    if (verbose)
        cat("Start snpgdsVCF2GDS ...\n")
        if (method == "biallelic.only")
            cat("\tExtracting bi-allelic and polymorhpic SNPs.\n")
            cat("\tStoring dosage of the reference allele for all variant sites, including bi-allelic SNPs, multi-allelic SNPs, indels and structural variants.\n")
        cat("\tScanning ...\n")

    # sample.id

    sample.id <- NULL
    for (fn in vcf.fn)
        s <- scan.vcf.sampid(fn)
        if (!is.null(sample.id))
            if (length(sample.id) != length(s))
                stop("All VCF files should have the same sample id.")
            if (any(sample.id != s))
                stop("All VCF files should have the same sample id.")
        } else
            sample.id <- s

    # genetic markers

    all.chr <- integer()
    all.position <- integer()
    all.snpidx <- integer()
    all.snp.rs <- character()
    all.snp.allele <- character()

    for (fn in vcf.fn)
        v <- scan.vcf.marker(fn, method)

        all.chr <- c(all.chr, v$chr)
        all.position <- c(all.position, v$position)
        all.snpidx <- c(all.snpidx, length(all.snpidx) + v$snpidx)
        all.snp.rs <- c(all.snp.rs, v$snp.rs)
        all.snp.allele <- c(all.snp.allele, v$snp.allele)

    # genetic variants

    nSamp <- length(sample.id)
    nSNP <- length(all.chr)
    if (verbose)
        cat(date(), "\tstore sample id, snp id, position, and chromosome.\n")
        cat(sprintf("\tstart writing: %d samples, %d SNPs ...\n", nSamp, nSNP))

    # create GDS file
    gfile <- createfn.gds(outfn.gds)

    # add "sample.id"
    add.gdsn(gfile, "sample.id", sample.id, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
    # add "snp.id"
    add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.id", as.integer(all.snpidx), compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
    # add "snp.rs.id"
    add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.rs.id", all.snp.rs, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
    # add "snp.position"
    add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.position", all.position, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
    # add "snp.chromosome"
    v.chr <- add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.chromosome", all.chr, storage="int32", compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)
    # add "snp.allele"
    add.gdsn(gfile, "snp.allele", all.snp.allele, compress=compress.annotation, closezip=TRUE)

    # snp.chromosome
    put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.start", option$autosome.start)
    put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, "autosome.end", option$autosome.end)
    for (i in 1:length(option$chromosome.code))
        put.attr.gdsn(v.chr, names(option$chromosome.code)[i],

    # sync file

    # add "gonetype", 2 bits to store one genotype
    if (snpfirstdim)
        gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSNP, nSamp))
        put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "snp.order")
    } else {
        gGeno <- add.gdsn(gfile, "genotype", storage="bit2", valdim=c(nSamp, nSNP))
        put.attr.gdsn(gGeno, "sample.order")
    # sync file

    # genetic genotypes

    snp.start <- 1
    for (fn in vcf.fn)
        if (verbose)
            cat(sprintf("\tfile: %s\n", fn))
        s <- scan.vcf.geno(fn, gGeno, method, start=snp.start)
        snp.start <- snp.start + s      
        sync.gds(gfile)  # sync file

    # close files

    if (verbose) cat(date(), "\tDone.\n")

zhengxwen commented 9 years ago

Or upgrade gdsfmt to v1.1.1.1

zhengxwen commented 9 years ago

It is fixed in SNPRelate_1.1.1!