When I was trying to get genotype matrix using snpgdsGetGeno function,I got the below error.
genomat <- snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id=NULL,snp.id=NULL)
Genotype matrix: 10536236 SNPs X 2504 samples
Killed: 9
Mac OS Sierra
2X 3.06GHz 6 -core-Intel Xeon
Memory 64GB 1333MHz DDr3
This is probably due to large matrix exceeding the memory swap. But when I stop all other processed and only calculate this matrix, it also reports this problem.
However, the total size of this matrix may be not larger than 64G.
I have found the problem here http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/R-process-killed-when-allocating-too-large-matrix-Mac-OS-X-td4720400.html
However, there is still no solution to this.
Do you have any solution to this?
When I was trying to get genotype matrix using snpgdsGetGeno function,I got the below error. genomat <- snpgdsGetGeno(genofile, sample.id=NULL,snp.id=NULL) Genotype matrix: 10536236 SNPs X 2504 samples Killed: 9
Mac OS Sierra 2X 3.06GHz 6 -core-Intel Xeon Memory 64GB 1333MHz DDr3 HD 2T
This is probably due to large matrix exceeding the memory swap. But when I stop all other processed and only calculate this matrix, it also reports this problem. However, the total size of this matrix may be not larger than 64G. I have found the problem here http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/R-process-killed-when-allocating-too-large-matrix-Mac-OS-X-td4720400.html However, there is still no solution to this. Do you have any solution to this?