zhengxwen / SNPRelate

R package: parallel computing toolset for relatedness and principal component analysis of SNP data (Development version only)
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snpgdsLDpruning result to gds/vcf #69

Open linsson opened 4 years ago

linsson commented 4 years ago

Dear developer(s),

I wonder if there is any chance to get a gds (or vcf) file once a snp dataset (with multiple samples inside) has been pruned. Unfortunately I am not an R expert but it seems snpgdsLDpruning result is not a gds object but a (SNPs?) list.

Thanks in advance.

zhengxwen commented 4 years ago

You will need the SeqArray package to import the VCF file,

Here is the example for using snpgdsLDpruning() and seqExport() to export to a GDS file: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/SAIGEgds/inst/doc/SAIGEgds.html#preparing-snp-data-for-genetic-relationship-matrix

linsson commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your answer. Unfortunately I am receiving the following error

Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘seqSetFilter’ for signature ‘"SNPGDSFileClass", "missing"’ Calls: seqSetFilter -> Execution halted

my code is:

input_GDS <- snpgdsOpen(input_GDS_name) residualSNPset=snpgdsLDpruning(input_GDS, ld.threshold=opt$pruning ) residualSNPset.id=unlist(residualSNPset, use.names=FALSE) # get the variant IDs of a LD-pruned set snpgdsClose(input_GDS) output_VCF_name = opt$output_VCF output_GDS_name = sub(".vcf", ".gds", output_VCF_name) seqSetFilter(input_GDS, variant.id=residualSNPset.id) seqExport(input_GDS, output_GDS_name, info.var=character(), fmt.var=character(), samp.var=character())

I usually use snpgdsOpen to load gds files with snprelate functions but then seqarray functions always complain about inheritance problems. What am I missing? can I open a gds file with seqOpen and then use snprelate funcions on it?

linsson commented 4 years ago

I had to use a sort of workaround:



input_VCF_name = opt$input_VCF input_GDS_name = sub(".vcf", ".gds", basename(input_VCF_name)) if (!file.exists(input_GDS_name)) { snpgdsVCF2GDS(input_VCF_name, input_GDS_name, method="copy.num.of.ref", ignore.chr.prefix="SL4.0ch") } input_GDS <- snpgdsOpen(input_GDS_name)

residualSNPset=snpgdsLDpruning(input_GDS, ld.threshold=opt$pruning ) residualSNPset.id=unlist(residualSNPset, use.names=FALSE) # get the variant IDs of a LD-pruned set snpgdsClose(input_GDS)

seqArray GDS

input_SeqArray_GDS_name = sub(".vcf", ".seqArray.gds", basename(input_VCF_name)) if (!file.exists(input_SeqArray_GDS_name)) { seqVCF2GDS(input_VCF_name, input_SeqArray_GDS_name) } input_SeqArray_GDS = seqOpen(input_SeqArray_GDS_name)

Create a genotype file for genetic relationship matrix (GRM) using the LD-pruned SNP set:

output_VCF_name = opt$output_VCF output_GDS_name = sub(".vcf", ".gds", output_VCF_name) seqSetFilter(input_SeqArray_GDS, variant.id=residualSNPset.id)

export to a GDS genotype file without annotation data

seqExport(input_SeqArray_GDS, output_GDS_name, info.var=character(), fmt.var=character(), samp.var=character())

close the file


output_GDS=seqOpen(output_GDS_name) seqGDS2VCF(output_GDS,output_VCF_name) seqClose(output_GDS) ` Basically I need to convert the initial vcf both in a gds file suitable for snprelate (I need the pruning and it only works if I have a snp gds) and seqarray. Then I take the snp ids from snpgdsLDpruning and can use seqArray functions (seqSetFilter, seqExport, seqGDS2VCF). What do you think? I hope both snpgdsVCF2GDS and seqVCF2GDS give the variants the same ids...

Thanks in advance

zhengxwen commented 4 years ago

You should just use SeqArray GDS. The GDS file defined in SeqArray is an extension of SNPRelate GDS. snpgdsLDpruning() can work on SeqArray GDS.

Best wishes,


zhengxwen commented 4 years ago

See: http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/SeqArray/inst/doc/SeqArray.html#integration-with-snprelate

linsson commented 4 years ago

I can't use just SeqArray GDS. This is what I get:

gds=seqOpen("G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.seqArray.gds") residualSNPset=snpgdsLDpruning(gds, ld.threshold=0.1 ) SNV pruning based on LD: Excluding 173,502 SNVs on non-autosomes Calculating allele counts/frequencies ... Error in seqApply(f, "genotype", margin = "by.variant", as.is = "list", : There is no selected variant.`

While if I try to open a snp gds with seqOpen I get:

gds=snpgdsOpen("G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.seqArray.gds") Error in snpgdsOpen("G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.seqArray.gds") : Invalid SNP GDS file: please open the file using 'seqOpen()' in the SeqArray package, since 'FileFormat = SEQ_ARRAY'.

Anyhow seqArray gds and snprelate gds look not very similar (even if they are related):

` seqOpen("G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.seqArray.gds")
Object of class "SeqVarGDSClass" File: /gporq2/scratch_0/usr/vfain/2019-09-24_shared_folder/analysis/2020-08-21_g_Rscripts_experimental/vcf2prunedVcf/G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.seqArray.gds (2.9G)

  • [ ] |--+ description [ ] |--+ sample.id { Str8 15161 LZMA_ra(6.43%), 6.8K } |--+ variant.id { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(6.47%), 43.9K } |--+ position { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(16.6%), 112.6K } |--+ chromosome { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(0.03%), 461B } |--+ allele { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(16.1%), 123.0K } |--+ genotype [ ] | |--+ data { Bit2 2x15161x178434 LZMA_ra(1.06%), 13.7M } | |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | --+ extra { Int16 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } |--+ phase [ ] | |--+ data { Bit1 15161x173502 LZMA_ra(0.01%), 46.9K } | |--+ extra.index { Int32 3x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | --+ extra { Bit1 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } |--+ annotation [ ] | |--+ id { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(0.10%), 181B } | |--+ qual { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(77.5%), 525.0K } | |--+ filter { Int32,factor 173502 LZMA_ra(3.44%), 23.3K } | |--+ info [ ] | | |--+ AC { Int32 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | | |--+ AF { Float32 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | | |--+ AN { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ BaseQRankSum { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ DP { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ DS { Bit1 173502 LZMA_ra(0.64%), 145B } | | |--+ END { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ ExcessHet { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ FS { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ InbreedingCoeff { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ MLEAC { Int32 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | | |--+ MLEAF { Float32 0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | | |--+ MQ { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ MQRankSum { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ QD { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ RAW_MQ { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | |--+ ReadPosRankSum { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | | --+ SOR { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(0.04%), 257B } | --+ format [ ] | |--+ AD [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x391392 LZMA_ra(5.95%), 337.4M } | |--+ DP [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x173502 LZMA_ra(12.2%), 305.8M } | |--+ GQ [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x173502 LZMA_ra(11.4%), 535.3M } | |--+ MIN_DP [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | |--+ PGT [ ] | | --+ data { Str8 15161x125053 LZMA_ra(0.16%), 5.9M } | |--+ PID [ ] | | --+ data { Str8 15161x125053 LZMA_ra(0.21%), 7.7M } | |--+ PL [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x659184 LZMA_ra(11.2%), 1.8G } | |--+ RGQ [ ] | | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } | --+ SB [ ] | --+ data { VL_Int 15161x0 LZMA_ra, 18B } * --+ sample.annotation [ ] `

` snpgdsOpen("G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.gds") File: /gporq2/scratch_0/usr/vfain/2019-09-24_shared_folder/analysis/2020-08-21_g_Rscripts_experimental/vcf2prunedVcf/G2PSOLMerge.final.keep.recode.renamed.keep15161acc.recode.MinMeanDP15.MaxMiss0.95.recode.gds (628.0M)

  • [ ] |--+ sample.id { Str8 15161 LZMA_ra(6.43%), 6.8K } |--+ snp.id { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(6.47%), 43.9K } |--+ snp.rs.id { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(0.10%), 181B } |--+ snp.position { Int32 173502 LZMA_ra(16.6%), 112.6K } |--+ snp.chromosome { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(0.05%), 281B } |--+ snp.allele { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(16.3%), 124.6K } |--+ genotype { Bit2 15161x173502, 627.2M } --+ snp.annot [ ] |--+ qual { Float32 173502 LZMA_ra(77.5%), 525.0K } --+ filter { Str8 173502 LZMA_ra(2.74%), 34.0K } `

In the first case you have variant.id node while in the second case you have snp.id (even if I am not sure that makes the difference). In your vignette it is not clear if you are using a gds or a snp gds. Maybe my problem is how I create the 2 gds:

seqarray gds: seqVCF2GDS(input_VCF_name, input_SeqArray_GDS_name) snp gds: snpgdsVCF2GDS(input_VCF_name, input_GDS_name, method="copy.num.of.ref", ignore.chr.prefix="SL4.0ch")

I can't see any "method" option for seqVCF2GDS; I will try to add ignore.chr.prefix="SL4.0ch" and see if I can use snpgdsLDpruning on it.

zhengxwen commented 4 years ago

SeqArray GDS is the second generation of SNPRelate GDS. Please use snpgdsLDpruning(..., autosome.only=FALSE), since the chromosome coding in your file is not numeric (not identified as autosomes).