zhengxwen / SeqArray

Data management of large-scale whole-genome sequence variant calls (Development version only)
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Error message: overlapping on both samples and variants #43

Open annaquaglieri16 opened 5 years ago

annaquaglieri16 commented 5 years ago

Hi Zhengxwen,

I think I need to clarify one aspect of seqArray. Does it allow for variants across samples to be different? I am trying to use seqArray to merge variants called on tumour samples and every sample would have their own variants.

I get the following error when merging two gds files created from VCF files with seqVCF2GDS:

Error in seqMerge(gds.fn = files_to_merge, out.fn = "merged.gds", : There are overlapping on both samples and variants, please merge different samples and variants respectively.

Ans I was wondering if it might be because variants are simply different across samples.

Thank you!
