ForkGAN: Seeing into the rainy night. ECCV 2020 (oral). A task-agnostic image translation framework that can boost multiple vision tasks in adverse weather conditions, including localization, semantic segmentation and object detection.
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Details on the Object Detection Training for BDD100k #11
If the new 2020 labels of BDD100k were used for object detection training, or the old ones ?
In the paper, you have reported results for 9 classes of BDD100k (person, rider, car, bus, truck, bike, motor, traffic light, traffic sign). Does it mean you haven't used the 10th class "train" at al, or perhaps it was used, but only the results not reported ?
What is the hyper-parameter configuration for training the object detector, along with the number of iterations/ epochs for training the same ?
Interesting paper! Can you please elaborate upon: