ForkGAN: Seeing into the rainy night. ECCV 2020 (oral). A task-agnostic image translation framework that can boost multiple vision tasks in adverse weather conditions, including localization, semantic segmentation and object detection.
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Confused about the adversarial domain classier. #4
In the description of the paper,the classifier includes two branches:the classification branch and the adversarial branch, but there is only one branch for classification in the domain_agnostic_classifier.
Meanwhile, what is the relationship between self.g_cls_loss ,self.cls_lossand Lcls and Ladv in the Fig.2?
In the description of the paper,the classifier includes two branches:the classification branch and the adversarial branch, but there is only one branch for classification in the domain_agnostic_classifier. Meanwhile, what is the relationship between
and Lcls and Ladv in the Fig.2?