zhenjia2017 / EXAQT

Code for our CIKM'21 paper "Complex Temporal Qestion Answering on Knowledge Graphs"
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EXAQT on CronQuestions dataset #4

Open apoorvumang opened 2 years ago

apoorvumang commented 2 years ago

Hi Zhen

Did you have any luck in trying EXAQT on CronQuestions dataset (https://github.com/apoorvumang/CronKGQA)? If not, what kind of dataset processing do you think is needed to get EXAQT to work on CronQuestions?

Thanks Apoorv

zhenjia2017 commented 2 years ago

Hi Apoorv, I have tried EXAQT on CronQuestions last year but due to some reasons (one is the number of CronQuestions is large and another is I was busy with other things) I did not complete it. If you are trying EXAQT on CronQuestions, the TagMe (I use WAT, improved TagMe https://sobigdata.d4science.org/web/tagme/wat-api) and ELQ (https://github.com/facebookresearch/BLINK) for NERD are needed. CLOCQ (https://clocq.mpi-inf.mpg.de/) is used to extract one-hop facts for the NERD entities of each question and is also used to extract two-hop temporal facts for the completed GST subgraphs. To obtain question-relevant facts, we need to create the training dataset and train the BERT classifier. The pipeline of EXAQT is a little bit long so I think I can restart the work of trying EXAQT on CronQuestions and share the data with you.

zhenjia2017 commented 2 years ago

Since CronQuestions dataset has gold topic entities, I think the NERD step can be removed from the EXAQT pipeline.

apoorvumang commented 2 years ago

Hi Zhen, thanks for the response

Since CronQuestions dataset has gold topic entities, I think the NERD step can be removed from the EXAQT pipeline.

Yes we can probably do away with the NERD step in the pipeline

The pipeline of EXAQT is a little bit long so I think I can restart the work of trying EXAQT on CronQuestions and share the data with you.

That would be extremely useful! Please let me know if you make any progress on this front. I am also trying to understand the steps of EXAQT, and even data of intermediate steps would be useful

zhenjia2017 commented 2 years ago

You're welcome. When the pipeline is done, I will let you know.